Best 5 Funeral Directors in Comber | Prices & Info (2024)

> Funeral Directors > County Down > Comber

Discover funeral directors located in Comber. See pricing details and information regarding the inclusions offered. Also opening hours and contact details. Find comprehensive details below of NAFD & SAIF approved funeral directors.

Rosy Company


Open 24/7

Best 5 Funeral Directors in Comber | Prices & Info (1)

Doggarts Of Newtownards


Regent House, 35 Regent St, Ards, BT23 4AD

Open 24/7

Best 5 Funeral Directors in Comber | Prices & Info (2)

Gilmore Funeral Directors


13 The Square, Ards, BT23 5DX

Open 24/7

Best 5 Funeral Directors in Comber | Prices & Info (3)

James Brown Sons Funeral Directors Dundonald


719 Upper Newtownards Rd, Dundonald, County Antrim, BT4 3NU

Open 24/7

Best 5 Funeral Directors in Comber | Prices & Info (4)

Kirkwoods Funeral Directors Knock


150a Kings Road, Knock, County Antrim, BT5 7EJ

Open 24/7

Opening Times

All Funeral Directors in Comber operate 24 hours 7 days a week for emergencies this includes bank holidays.


You can use public transportation to reach Doggarts Of Newtownards, Gilmore Funeral Directors, James Brown Sons Funeral Directors Dundonald, Kirkwoods Funeral Directors Knock. See the following link to find parking:

Parking near Doggarts Of Newtownards

Parking near Gilmore Funeral Directors

Parking near James Brown Sons Funeral Directors Dundonald

Parking near Kirkwoods Funeral Directors Knock

About City

Comber is a small town in County Down, Northern Ireland, famous for its Comber potatoes, known for their unique taste and quality. The town is home to the Comber Greenway, a popular walking and cycling trail that follows a former railway line. Comber is also known for its traditional buildings and hosts the annual Comber Potato Festival. With a population of 9,078 people.

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How many funeral directors in Comber?

Within a 5 - 10 mile radius there are around 6 Funeral Directors in Comber On this page we have listed 4 of the best funeral undertakers near you.

How much does a funeral cost in Comber?

The typical cost of funerals in Comber typically sits around £2500 up to £4500 with burial constituting 22% and cremation accounting for 78% of the amount of funerals taking place in Comber. However, the actual expense for a family can vary based on specific requirements and choices.

When calculating the overall expenses of a funeral, it is important to take into account the additional cost of funeral flowers. Local florists like Floral Creations (Located on Bridge Street, COMBER BT23 5AT, County Down) typically charge approximately between £79 up to £455 for funeral flower arrangements.

Best companies offering Funeral plans in Comber?

Funeral directors such as Rosy (Comber), Doggarts Of Newtownards and Gilmore Funeral Directors all offer funeral plans as an intermediary (reseller) for funeral plan providers such as Golden Charter and Golden leaves in Comber. In 2024 ‘Rosy Funeral Plans’ will be launched by Rosy to help bring more variety of choices for bereaved families in Comber.

What Crematorium do Funeral Directors use in Comber for Traditional and Direct Cremation?

Within 10 Miles off Comber there are 1 crematoriums offering a variety of services such as direct and traditional cremation. The 1 main crematoriums frequently used by funeral undertakers in Comber: Roselawn Cemetery and Crematorium, which could potentially be your loved one's final resting place. While you have the freedom to choose your preferred crematorium, it's advisable to consult with your local funeral director. Their expertise will be valuable, especially considering that crematoriums availability can often be unpredictable and busy. See the list of crematoriums in the area:

Roselawn Cemetery and Crematorium, 129-131 Ballygowan Road Crossnacreevy BT5 7TZ Phone: 028 9044 8288 with a fee of approximately £782 for a cremation. With an average wait time of 14 days.

What happens in the event of a death at a care home in Comber?

In the event of a death at a care home, your local funeral director is responsible for collecting the deceased and transporting them to their funeral home with care. According to the Office for National Statistics, approximately 23 % of all deaths in Comber take place in care homes. At Rosy, we offer prompt collection services for your loved one, irrespective of the care home where the passing occurred. For immediate assistance, please contact us at 0800 260 6922.

Frequently asked questions

Are there any Funeral Directors offering Natural/Green burial Funerals in Comber?

There is no Natural Burial grounds in Comber.

Where can you scatter ashes in Comber?

The County Down Council enforces particular guidelines concerning the scattering of ashes in public spaces, which may be revised at any point. For the latest information and guidelines, we recommend visiting the County Down Council website. As a suggested location for scattering ashes, the River Enler is highly recommended.

Best Funeral Homes in Comber near Comber Surgery?

There are 5 funeral undertakers close to Comber Surgery. If someone has recently died at Comber Surgery in Comber then call Rosy on the following number: 0800 260 6922.

What is the best newspaper for obituaries in Comber?

The local newspaper in Comber is called the County Down Spectator, which covers the County Down area. Obituaries are included in the paper and are typically written by family members or funeral directors. At Rosy Funeral Directors (Comber) we liaise with the newspaper directly including the heart warming message and images you wish to publish.

Are there any Jewish Funeral Directors in Comber?

Indeed, Rosy is capable of meeting your needs. Should you require assistance with a Jewish funeral, please feel free to reach out to us at 0800 260 6922

Are there any Hindu Funeral Directors in County Down?

Yes, Rosy can accommodate your requirements. If you're looking for a hindu funeral contact us on 0800 260 6922.

Are there any Funeral Directors in Comber who provide catering services for wakes?

Typically, funeral directors do not commonly provide catering services. Therefore we would recommend contacting a local catering company. They will be able to help you in the time of need.

Are there any Sikh Funeral Directors in Comber?

Indeed, there are Sikh funeral directors based in Manchester who can offer their support during the period of mourning. To organise your Sikh funeral service, you can reach out to Rosy (Comber) on 0800 260 6922

Are there any Muslim Funeral Undertakers in Comber?

Yes there are! Rosy is here to help anyone looking for a muslim funeral In Comber. From ritual washing, shrouding to organisation between the funeral director and the mosques Imam.

Best 5 Funeral Directors in Comber | Prices & Info (2024)


How do I choose a good funeral director? ›

Finding a funeral director
  1. Ask for recommendations from friends, or a local faith leader.
  2. Use the directory in The Good Funeral Guide .
  3. Look for a member of a professional association such as the National Association of Funeral Directors or the National Association of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors .
May 15, 2023

How much do you tip a funeral director for a funeral? ›

Funeral directors typically do not receive gratuities. However, it's customary to thank the funeral director with a thank-you note, and by leaving a positive review for the funeral home online. Like the funeral director, the funeral home staff does not usually receive gratuities.

What is the most expensive part of a funeral? ›

The most expensive part of a funeral is typically the basic services fee of a funeral home. The median cost of basic services fees is about $2,300. If you choose a traditional funeral and burial, your highest cost will likely be a metal casket.

What's the cheapest cremation you can have? ›

The cheapest way to be cremated is by having a direct cremation, also known as 'cremation without ceremony' or 'unattended cremation'. A direct cremation is the cheapest cremation because there's no funeral service or ceremony before the cremation.

Who are the best funeral directors? ›

Recently reviewed companies
  • Choice Funeral Plans. ...
  • Lodge Brothers (Funerals) Ltd. ...
  • Avalon Funeral Plans. 4.9 | 3,758 reviews. ...
  • The Oaks Crematorium. 4.9 | 248 reviews. ...
  • Aura. 4.9 | 282 reviews. ...
  • Kenneth Keegan Independent Funeral Directors. 4.9 | 221 reviews. ...
  • Douch Family Funeral Directors. 5 | 884 reviews.

Should you shop around for funeral homes? ›

Shop in advance.

It allows you to comparison shop without time constraints, creates an opportunity for family discussion, and lifts some of the burden from your family.

How much do you give a pastor for a funeral? ›

Blog. A common question that many families ask when planning funerals is: what type of honorarium should we give our pastor? In the markets that we serve the typical clergy honorarium that we see most often is $150. Again this figure can sometimes be more and sometimes be less.

Should I tip the pastor at a funeral? ›

Discussing Rate or Gifts

Some pastors will state outright the fee for them to conduct the funeral service, while others will ask for a donation to the church. When it comes to donations, this can either be a monetary donation, with $150-$200 often being the most common, or a gift.

Why do funeral directors make so much money? ›

The sale of caskets happens to be one of the most profitable ventures that funeral homes engage in. Usually, they make the caskets necessary for each family. And to say the least, the coffins are priced to make a profit.

Is $10,000 enough for a funeral? ›

$10,000 can cover funeral and burial services in most states, but it's best to save slightly more.

Is $20,000 enough for a funeral? ›

Remember that these average funeral costs don't include outside services, such as the burial plot, transportation, or flowers. So, the overall average funeral costs can quickly run between $10,000 - $20,000 in total. How much does a cremation cost?

What is a good amount to give for a funeral? ›

If you are giving a donation in lieu of flowers, then donate the amount you would have spent on flowers. Typically, this means $50 to $100. However, the amount is ultimately up to you because it is the thought that counts and not the amount you donate.

What three things do you want said in your eulogy? ›

Real eulogy examples
  • Give a brief background on the person who has died. ...
  • Mention your relationship to them and what they meant to you and others.
  • Talk about some of their best qualities and values they held dear.

Can you be cremated without a coffin? ›

Whilst it is not a legal requirement to be cremated without a coffin and leads to a positive answer when wondering can you be cremated without a coffin it is certainly preferable for any deceased body to be contained within a coffin or a shroud according to crematoria.

What is the cheapest way to dispose of a dead body? ›

Immediate burial is the least expensive option: A funeral home files the necessary paperwork, places the unembalmed body in a casket, and takes the remains to a cemetery for burial, usually within one day.

What qualities does a funeral director need? ›

Four Key Qualities of a Funeral Director
  • Excellent listening and communication skills. Excellent communication skills are arguably the most key quality of a funeral director. ...
  • Creativity. ...
  • Counselling skills. ...
  • Knowledge of traditions and customs.
Jun 22, 2023

What to ask a funeral director? ›

Questions to ask a Funeral Director
  • What is and isn't included in your costs?
  • What services do you provide?
  • Can we choose a burial or cremation funeral?
  • Would you come to our home to discuss the arrangements?
  • Where will the deceased be kept until the day of the funeral?
  • Can the funeral be personalised?

Why choose an independent funeral director? ›

Independent funeral directors are based and managed within their communities rather than by a headquarters many miles away, meaning clients receive support from a provider who truly understands local people and cultures.

What's the difference between a mortician and a funeral director? ›

At many funeral homes, the same person performs both functions, but when roles are distinguished, morticians prepare the body for cremation or burial, while funeral directors meet with family members of the deceased to coordinate arrangements for a memorial service or funeral, and process required paperwork.


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.