Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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PAGE THREE FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM Monday Morning Juno IS 1962 Section Three MAC DIVOT by Lansky and Keeler -V MA: E771 LAs7ALE CCAPPLETE SAASS AT Tra P2ACTCE -1 'Briton Clark Wins 'Arlington Park Opens 73-Day Slate Today cilicAGo IMP 17 Lir long race vt hit is expected ti) ton Park ts hi( ti attract etery class 2-year-old in Belgian Grand Prix become the home of the richest horse race opens 73 tdi tiie country has a groks tztlue of Sti4 000 and could rvith I 01 Thoroughbred racing Monday el-00on I1-TANcoRcitAmps June 17 4 sttatto 5 draed NiJirese ilighhghting the suasion IA iI tie my Clark of Itritain irng from the tockpit tif his burning I 'the inaugural running ccf the I1A- 000-added Arlington Washing- Torture a Lotus ton the Bcdgian Auto- car ----Thaw inaugural running of the 11-)0- ilcHltir Torture from the co*ckpit cl his tiurning 000-added Arlington Wa4ung- I ()lu tar -gt-E's! vis 107 BETTEZ GZT cr TO WCZ" EZST OcF vANT TO I toNti 1 emot I Vikr111 7EZ I RE wAE -v--- r) 'EZ'N3 I-AvS TC PO MORE T1-4AN u57- LOCK Goo2! IZILvEY3-EZI 1-4E TNO WEEKS TO A 5EN'ENTES SHOOTEZ' AA! 7E I A vl TC MORE AvriA55KEEsv HE sTA 57 LOC Goo2! IZILv 3EZ I AGA'N! ok 4 I i-ON A37J7 rr 1 AC s'N 17( IN ro l' CA' r11 LS ZEAK SO1 41 -wwiluNow 11) loc F2 A NKLY C0 74-0 HON SELrovi 1 PLAY VOL2 Ai N5 OCKS 607 1 N74 No114 It 11 2 A CC! Hg a LVC si VOL: LAY N-01-2 Se N5 1-KS 607 fit 1 11 i A 1 fr1 A'''''' 1 1 4 4 4z 29 14 I 11 41'4'1N Futurity Sept ti The seen- Taylor vialked bat to his pit A Asked by the Associated Press 1 'btoppea lik hat happened he said in a FRED NATIO Magic IA Ileres blessed ethet irno misuses oi vagin*l trenNing owe -I da not sa I know I do not know- and REPAIR WHILE itch rectal i4Ch 'Latins sh and euxma vita se arnalita tem acien6fic formula salked on LAN ACAN Ibis fastactire stun lass meditated trains kilis harmful bacteria An eyetness said Liter that I WATCH WAIT germs 'nil is soothes tsar0 irritated and i intlamed skin ussue Stnrps Llor hal been throAn from his 4523 RIVER OAKS BLVD alvads heslra Don't suftet awythermAniste ear onto the gras LANACCA trAlsy at all drug motau 4 1 I ----reemfrik00e5-1 At of'A A01 9 0 Ili is N'k4-1sell I Yi) 7 0 ----A 47 1 ix I i Grand Prix for forinula i lune tars Sunday IA ith an speed revoid of 131 Ni rn V- fur 1'Soh cars Vio i Grztham 1111 of Britain in a PAIN! Lnishd second Phil MI of Santa Monica Cal Ferrari as third and Ricardo Rodri- Jez Mexico in a Ferrari as toorth Clark ttrefed the 3214 cir Mt 42:032 nas1 in to hours 10 Minilit'S 3:) 3 seconds i Phi ILI had held the hpeed li'6 Or io re I tN 44 4" oga4 Start your day with a I 3-3 3 -03 a lb IV II ti" for 1:40 i cdrs since Lefty Hurl Tribe Past 1etry nulls Tribe Past It N'ear he clocked 123 148 fllflh Nineteen rs the race third formula title cent 1 cotinti1 2 for the I2 odd driv- Hernandez Hammers INGO KAYO 8TH SI TITLE Rosi Out in 1st Round s'keit 0 1 0 ft S1A edrno June 17 (Reuters) Ingemar i Denver 3-1 1- ri Denver 3-1 'FA A tl''''7 moRN 1 NG7 I ErA 8:30 10:30 AM '(1---------4- --A----' () 0 RADIO 1 ers championships but only jt (Inters finished 1mA June It Cats of till!) Mai 'fret Brit- Gary Peters held Den- rcs'e or Taylor of ain collided late in the raie bat ter to lite hits as the Indianapolis neither appealed seriously hurl nudged at the Bears 131 Saturday night At Malmedy Hospital it was re It was the leagmt leaders' first Ported that Nlairesse had second Ivictory ot en degree burns to both Ins face Dent er in three during their current hqme and legs- stand Peters struck out eight 1 The tothion tame st hen 01 and gate up only one extra-base Taylor and Alairesse's cars vete I blow' a borne run by Catcher Bill doing oter 125 I Freehan in the third Denver Lefty Joe Grzenda al-olticial results: llowed only four tuts in the seven 1 innings he hurled but the Indians 2 1 three of them for three I 2 I4 (8 Pth- runs in a fourth-inning Bear let- to S'It A MmLo down 4 2 49 ih 4 12'4 $iii In 1 L1 er britikin 140 at on --A 5 411 0irees jititch 14ic at on Johansson of Sweden regained the European heavyweight title Sunday night when he knocked out Rick Richardson of Wates in the eighth round of a mheduled 15round title bout Johanson was forced to relinquish the title in 1959 after he beat Floyd Patterson to win the world heavyweight crowiL It was the famous right which brought him victory in the first of his three fights witli Patterson that did the dmage again Ntalway through the eighth round Johansson caught Richardson with a tremendous right The Welshman gallantly rose as the count reached eight but Johansson moved in again to finish his man off with a left hook and another right to the jaw eight butnih his man off with lohansson moved in again to isth a left hook and another right to the jaw SAM BOGART YOUR SOCIABLE STATION i''-r4k1 NEW YORK' 1t 16 fore the count got under way los Hernandez a mustachioed but by this tune he nis groggy Again he smiled indicating Ithit Venezuelan stopped Paoli Rosi nothing was IA rong Bat his legs In 211 of the first round of their scheduled I()-iounder Saturday in were unsteady when he nent lback at Hernandez Madison Square Carden A hen Ilernandez then pushed Rosi to the 34-year-o1d New Yorker nent I his OA corner Rosi nas doing down three times Both weighed nothmg except trying to cover up Slowly he went don under Under the rules of the New a barrage of rights and lefts York State Athletic Commission He literally at on the loner a boxer floored three times in ring rope for a few seconds in one in world cham- an effort to halt his slide But pionship automatically finally he tumbled over almost 7 finished on his face Hernandez nho nears suede I Ile didn't appear to be hurt trunks with his initials in silver land nhile he didn't rush around lettering didn't even MUSS his i protesting at the thought of the slicked-down hair tight being stopped like a bit of less experienced boxers these Ile a ised a red nett mer days he shook his head sadly lilt eye ith his first and strolled over to congratu slicked-down hair light being sioppea lihr a Mt 01 Ile aised a red keit or less experienced boxers these Paoli's lett eye iv ith his first days he shook his head sadly and strolled over to congratu- Math the 3 down 136 Um York a bo one pions 7 falisli Het trunk lettet slickt Ile Paoli 1 31 ONDAY DAYTIME TELEVISION On log indstotos programs of ocloatelionol veins or informoton Pi (Channel 5 K-11 (Channel I IA atTV (Channel KRLDTV (Channel 4) 5:311 4ttgla 14416 :55 Ntilestonts of Crory :40 Devotion :45 Lift 1:114 Pot he oda Show I i :15 Ir Peppermint ens Mids Cartoons 1 rtn 1011 :25 rather COL OR 1 fIgluin Its I oday Show ISItei Capt Kangaroo CI COLOR II 1lot I iiriand IAI us :25 1 IIII Itia Show NBC Capt Kangaroo CBS tthd 10s :25 News COLOR I 1losie--I ott DPINVY INDIANAI4R15 an bi lib 4( it 111 althfti A 4 0 I ft kris 4 0 I 0 4 0 0 ft 4 I I 0 Itt Actra i''11 3 0 3 110 7 torim i eivit punch Then after they moved 4 I ft si twr iDs xo 0 urlifla it 4 ft ft ft 111thitnant around the ring for a minute late Ilernande (4eeti I 2 ft I ft R042 4 ft ft ft lit si) ipm Owl ri 4 ft ft ft siniponif 3 1 I 9 1 14 or Itosi hit the deck three times Vreehign 3 1 i I rchlth rf 3 0 i i OH1101 1 I ft NI( Nrrthryc 2 0 ft ft The first one really selled the a il J00 smo mil finish when Hernandez connected ouse ounse ee ts (1'rktrli- otota 01 Ono dli pOn 3 () 1) 41 1 Ith7tul'8()11114)411 Jqn It iliw th the chopping right AA oilier (Ill ef (11iin MIb MO I 5 1 Twili 30 3 2 ra When he gf)t ROSI smild flentt fool Imo ftoft-- 1 5 I thinly and told Referee Nlaik rtness in Cage Fix hirliiirtkpolis OW 300 00x 3 6 0 ISit Lit oot tor cateigla in flth I Conn he itas all right 00-en PO-A --Denvti 2412 111 17 ti irnttio rnrel in AU dbtl 011een 1 tin 1 1 Pilot rl its 1St Licit not tor (irtenna in nth 00-ten O-A --rittnyti 24-12 Incittonnotot di 27 9 (Coyne 'cord in nth on Qleett punt arotu 'Host finist kith I thin Conn i (See Movie Liming) Lo La Lane Show :55 Meditation I toe Lucy CBS 1 I oday's I orld Julie limit A erdict Is N'ours CBS i I NBC Creiitist Cookery Horizon :55 N's CBS Life CBS Pr min IA be NBC ILO COLOR-NBC 41 nut nt the Right COLOR-NB( Brilein kk ben BC nut nt the Mb COLOR-BC I Right COLOR-NB( 11 1 an a is COI B(Th iCartoons :15 N's N1kts Frit ord Show AIRC Lo 1 se or Consequences Romper Room ours for a Song ABCSearch for et 'tit) 213 Hitriirdnio HR reehun DP --McCraw Wetoi sift Mt Craw Petitots I I 1:4 :55 News NBCI 11 213 rardnio IR preensn LtA 1441A41414 Da ALIALl r- DP-McCraw Wel arr1 Mr Craw Peters I 1 :55 News NBC' 11 P-1 1 1 I I COI OR-N BCI Cartoons: :15 N's Mktg Frnit lord Show ABC Lose of Seconds later he uent tlown again aka from a right to the head Ile popped up almost he Set agait head DALLAS June 17 serve Dickson that in fact Dick-Wilts counsel for the house gen son couldn't be found Friday night hen Miss Kelly was sum eral investigating moned CBS Nets and McCraw 10B- Denver' 5 In chan et bh a apolla 4 I ligh Noon N's COLOR Sheriff of Cochise Camouflage ABC i News Local Show in IW firtends tL 3 3 7 4 3 3 41 ins Auto 11 I Race :35 Dateline COLOR Cartoon Carnival indow Shopping ABC' Ai Vorld Turns CBS A I 2 0 0 0 I ft I 1)ooFol peerg (W 3 3o 11 5 I I 3 ELNIIART LAKE Mit' Hy tirienrin f(onde) ter T---2 07 All- II0 17 oil ex I '4 (w 130 11 5 I I 3 1 ELKHART LAKE tM 17 ir Hy tiriervin fronde) er an Iert T---2 07 Alt-4118 (texds ell Murray NBC I Court :25 RpL ABCIPassword CBS Young NBC (See Movie Listing) One Step Beyond house Party CBS Dr Malone NBC :25 Wyman ABC the Millionaire CBS I he thaliphtert 1Seven Keys ABC Tell Truth :55 CBS Young NBC (See Movie Listing) One Step Beyond House Party CBS Dr Malone NBC 125 Ne" I liane Wyman ABC the Millionaire CBS 1 is Daughters NBC ISeven Keys ABC Tell Truth :55 CBS Gushing Wind Takes $24052 Ohio Derby Gin $24 for Daddy NBC (See Movie Listing) Queen for a Day ABCSecret Storm CBS 3: 1 3 i I I :55 NBC 1 :55 Life Line i Viso You Trust ABC Edge of Night CBS I 011ie NItt Popeye's I km Bandstand ABC Decemner Bride Cartoonsl COI OR' Plas house 1 :50 Neosstand ABC Our Miss Brooks After Five on 17V 31()NI)AY OA los indicates programs of educational vaiii or information 1 BAP I (Channel Si 1 KIVI (Channel 11) FAATV (Channel Bit KRU)I (Channel 4) 5 i Rocky and his Friends Ilighnay Patrol 'Party Time 5:15 "Wite Service" Dane Stooges Broderick Crawford 5:30 Claik Mr in "A Icky Twerp emcees Art Linkletter and Kid Ihe Lone Ranger 315 Death at I in Pines" Slam Bang Theater Evening Report ABC Clayton Moore star looking into the alleged fixing of "I feel sure he will be served" Wis June Southwest Conference basket ball said Humphreys 1 eXeCtitiVe Jim games said Sunday efforts del- i Hall sped his Chaparral to a record average speed of 87887 mph initely were made to serve Sig Dickson a NicKLAus wiNs OPEN TITLE Sunday to Skin the I52-mile fea- subpoena on 1 ture sports car race in the Road Dickson was the reported miss- Continued From Page I 1 seven-footer at the llth and got i America June Sprinos in witness at a hearing of the than a ear it boosted cnother bird at the 598-yard 12th I Hall 2t1 (it Midland Texas less committee in Waco three we year's eks innin There two booming wood shots i flashed past the finish line only rhis nuaey wgs to ago $45698 dee ely he most any almost reached the green and he 20 seconds ahead of Harry Ileuer Dickson who manages real es-fist year man ever won on the chipped up I close and sank for of Chicago ako in a Chaparral i I tale in Dallas said Saturday rued tour a four as 31 of the 52 starters coin- gg night that he was available but Palmer collected $10254t for This lett him onty one shot back Pleted the race that "no one had tried to serve second place also including a HI Nicklaus but Palmer's putter The old mark of 8645 mpl1 me it a subpoena that I WM'S of $2500 and boost- i went sour again at the Elth and was set last year by Roger Pens-know of" ke of Gladwynne Penn who led i ed his year's earnings to $70581-1 there was no comeback juice left Dickson was sought Witt de- tie) leading Pli professionals in the great champion after that the field and broke his own lap zeord Sundwasay t)dced ore his Cooper ona(o out in the II dared for questioning regarding Nicklaus becomes the first man it was my biggest disap- telephone calls made by Dickson ever to win the Open his pointment in golf" Palmer said il1311 i at! IN it for a r(24en rotttor and Mary Sue Kelly to Duck first year in money ranks and dejectedly afterward "What 1 ()s raged vi: to better er Mallard a Bryan night club he is one of the youngest ever to made it especially so was the us stali l( ard of 87a operator identified in testimony take the toughest of all golf fact that I had won the Masters 'Hurd through filth finishers at the hearing as a bookmaker events and this was my chance to keep were flap Sharp Midland in a There also were telephone calls Gene Sarazen was 20 when he alive my big chance for a grand Cooper Nionaco and Bob Donner to O'Dell Preston a Southwest won at Skokie near Chicago in slam" I of Colorado Springs and Bob lint Conference referee Wilts said 1022 and three months younger Of Nicklaus his new and keen- beet of Warrington Penn both i Preston and Bill Johnson an- than Francis Ouimet when the est rival for world golf honors driving Porsche ItStils other referee were questioned at ex-Boston caddy whipped Britain: th he said: 1 the hearing ree weeks ao a Ted Ray and Harry Vardon in I "Ile's a hell of a player Ile ccwGA to Play Today ha Limori niAvnif me n''''' the fad layoff in Boston in has the shots Ile all s' has all the shots Ile has Wis June teculive Jim rral to a rec- R7 R87 moll ecutive Jim ral to a rec- 87887 mph I52-mi1e fea in the Road zs and Texas iNh line th''''' Harry Heuer a Chaparral CLEVELAND June 16 AI lie Grissom's Gushing Wind took the lead from Lee Town at the head of the backstretch and breezed home ahead of Times Boman to win the $21025 Ohio Derby at Randall Park Saturday The winner with Baird in the saddle came home 63'4 lengths in front of Times Roman The Kennedy and Wale Stables Submerge took the third portion of the purse Gushing Wind returned $720 $380 and $340 to his backers among the 10205 customers Times Boman paid $360 and $320 while Submerge returned $640 Lee Town wound up a distant fourth CL Mite took the I twee nom Dell l'h in tl lengt The Subn of II $380 amo Tun $32I $64I IA fou! News and Weather Eddie Barker Harmon Douglas Edwards News CBS To Tell the Truth CBS Bud Collyer emcees with panelist Tom Poston and guests CO10111 ogi Bear :10 'Weather COLOR Animated animal 1 3-11untleyBrinkley NBC characters National World News 'led and Jim dive into fracy Central American jungle Nal to retrieve valuable papers DIeL 1 1 1 It 'f 1 4 0 i it't I 1 0 1 IW I rt: 1 It! Naugle Velvet NBC' Amos 'n Andy Velvet and Nit help blind 1Freeman Gosden and boy overcome his IChartes Correll star in self-pitying attitude famous roles 1 by Murphy Martin Weather Sports Dale Milford: Jones Cheyenne Show ABC Broncho Layne fears for homesteader's life as cattlemen plot to grab his land in -Beginner's luck" Keith Richards guest stars with ly Hardin The Rifleman ABC Chuck Connors stars in dual role of McCain and terroriing ruffian Surf Side 6 ABC Sandy Wakefield warned to halt work on a case sets out to find a missing ex-showgirl in "House on Boca Key" Troy Donahue stars Mexican Boxer Signs To Meet Davey Moore Aull'avu" ro Meet Davey Moore Me To Jae wintry Chit) Wqmen's G()11 v'ill play at Co- 'he Country ChM Wqmen's I Association will play at Co- Bold Journey Exploration of mountain top jungles wildlife of Central America tioniat Monday at 8:30 a In at Monday at 8:30 a in i-0-i-io--i4 Price I Right Bill Cullen CMCCCS the likosoN0010001ognotto cl*t Today's Special A cunning burglar using BAKED MEAT the techniques of several well-known Pete and Gladys CBS Gladys lands in police lineup because of a misunderstanding Father Knows Best CBS Bud tries to alter school policy of wearing gowns at graduation The Danny Thomas Show CBS Bill Dana tries to ward off stage mother horde The Andy Griffith CBS Barney spots a man he thinks is a jewel thief liennesey CBS Chick is assigned to a Marine unit on combat maneuvers in the field restling Big-name wrestlers match each other in action-packed bouts at North Side Coliseum with Paul Boesch describing the battles LOS ANGELES June la lip Mexico's Mario Diaz has been signed to hot a 10-round non-title match with world weatherweight Champion Davey Moore July 9 Matchmaker Joe Louis said In a companion 10- rounder scheduled for the Sports Arena Sugar Ray Robinson of New York meets Phil Moyer of Portland Oe in a middleweight bout Denny Moyer Phil's brother out-pointed Robinson several months ago LOS ANGELES -June 16 IRA Vlexico's Mario Diaz has been iigned to hot a 10-round non title 'latch with world weatherweight 'hamplon Davey Moore July 9 latchmaker Joe Louis said lay In a companion 10 rounder icheduled for the Sports Arena ugar Ray Robinson of New York wets Phil Moyer of Portland l)e in a middleweight bout Denny Moyer Phil's brother out- pointed Robinson several months ago LI Me) sign mat ('ha Mat day In scht Sug mec Ore Den poll ago LOAF With Creole 8:30 criminals leads the Sauce police on a merry chase and Choice 69 in 'Modus Man" of Any Robert Iansing stars Two Vegetables I NBC NBC LONE STAR CAFETERIA LONL STAR CAFETERIA Ben Casey ABC A surgeon forges prescriptions to obtain drugs for his on use in "I Remember a Lemon Tree" George Scott guest stars with Vincent Edwards Having committed Isko 1 murders for money a brother and sister and 1 930 their uncle plot the Berry at Riverside Dr demise of their Serving 11 AM 41 PM Daily third victim in 0w00 "An Attractive Family" Having committed two murdeis for money a brother and sister and 930 their uncle plot the demise of their third victim in -An Attractive Family" he Cot a Secret CBS Pandits: Bill Cullen Henry Morgan Betsy Palmer Bess Myerson by Nturphy Martin :23 By Frank Glicher :20 Newsreel NI Squad lee Marvin star ioo ar 147 i tch--) 0 1 --k'se41- 4 A The Big Trees" '52 Kirk Douglas Patrice more A man's greed for wealth in the lumber-rich California Redwood forests grows with his success changI from ing his character latest local events into one who 10: 15-1V'ther telefacts COLOR tramples friend and :25 News Final COLOR enemy alike the leathering of a lumber Malarkey COLOR' fortune :35 Tonight 1 I COLOR-NBC Sieve I awrence stars First" '53 I I :30 with Skitch Henderson coming from New York Kees American officer ith special guest stars iloel McCrea Ithinks he's killed a man I un-overs spy ring C01011Vm :10 Dr Joyce Brothers 1while clearing himself :15 Milestones Sign Off :45 Prayer Sign Off "Shoot First" '53 Joel McCrea Eseln keses American officer Colts Sign Tackle Pyle BALTIMORE June 16 Baltimore Colts of the National Football League announced Satur day the signing of Palmer Pyle for the 1962 football season Pyle olts Sign Tackle Pyle BALT1NIORE June 16 iii)----The Baltimore Colts of the National Football League announced Satur- day the signing of Palmer Pyle For the 1962 football season Pyle Col 11 Rat Von da) for Dragnet Jack Webb star Comedy Time Final Report ABC :45 Five Finger Counier-epionage Victor Sebastian irosts not only as a Communist but also as a theatrical agent in "Station Break" Eva Gabor guest stat 11:45 Nes: Sign Ott Get RELIEF or your MONEY BACK Laboratory tests prove HT ilIs athlete's foot gPrms IS seconds Use HS liquid daily until toe cracks scales and blisters g3 30-year record of success Ask tor HI at drug counters 12 oz 6Sc 1 oz $125 3 oz $300 Gel RELIEF or your MONEY BACK Laboratory tests prove HT ikilis athlete's foot gPrms in IS seconds Use 141' liquid daily until toe cracks scales and blisters g3 30-year record of success Ask tor HI at drug counters 12 oz 6Sc I oz $125 3 oz $300 0 11 as every- Waco Both denied any knowl- 6I game fixing Preston I 1913 Bob Jones and Walter thing it takes to be a great play- said he called to Dickson but it Hagen both won the Open at the cr Ile has an understanding of a 1 2 was about the sale of a bowhng the game at his age that many HI Nicklaus son of a Columbus guys don't have at 35" alley pharmacist has been playing Playoff cards: Dickson slid Saturday night ilf since he was 10 years old Par out 444 7443 41536 that he knew nothing about game ''( Nickiaii 444 442 44515 and has been winning champion- Palmer' 544 544 4413a fixing and that if he did "I ships since he was 16 Par tn 415 144 344-35-71 wouldn't tell them" Nicklaus 445 144 34536-71 A tremendous hitter and a Palmer 434 449 346-36-74 Ile also admitted numerous slow methodical player much on calls to Mallard but said he had the order of Ben Hogan he domi- 89ERS 4-4 COLONELS 3-17 known Mallard for 13 years and nated the amateur i LOUISVILLE Ky 16 saw nothing wrong with making ning two Amateur titles pounded Oklahoma personal calls to him (1959 and 1961 City's Jess Hickman for seven Dickson said his calls to Pics As an amateur he was rated ton were in connection with ef- the best since Bob Jones and runs in the first inning and went on to a 17-4 victory here Satur- forts sell Preston's bowling many had hoped he would never 1 or se day night The one-sided triumph 1 alley turn to professional ranks However the lure of big purses in the night name gave the 1 Mary Sue Kelly has been sub- olonels a split in the day-night Pe too SIITHP1 anti be turned enaed and will be questioned al double-header Oklahoma i 1 this week Witts said adding he I Prelessienal Navember shed' 1 it lc son a sure Dickson 1 so would I a's em 0 1 IT Amer I after 1 1 le i won the afternoon tilt 4-3 on an i unearned run ClIn lteam to victor over served and that Dickson likewise i FIRST GAME i Mexico and Canada in the match- OKLAHOMA CITY LOUISVILLE i I would be questioned before any i es at Alonterrey Mexico ab bi ab bi I possible meeting Of the investi Nicklaus Hartmaniss 5 0 4 1 Hrrkchras 4 0 1 0 cklaus is a husky lanit blond ert in -ct 4 0 1 1 Klichock2 4 1 1 0 at in committee 1 CamobelLe 4 0 1 0 Burtonct 4 1 1 0 1 young hair an a ruddy with short-cropped cot- Mel 1111 It 3 1 1 1 Krkoch 1 2 1 1 1 1 Numphreys a in 1:3 4 on a erman 11 000 Bolger11 (1 3 0 2 1 6-2 '250 pounds phyed ta cm ckle at mte 11igene th li -1 Hoherial 4 0 0 0 Leial 4 0 0 0 ic wee ii1Clined to get fat i eoinic 0 cci 2 1 1 0 Trenaryr1 4 0 0 he doesn't watch Michigan State The Colts drafted State Dear tment of Public if 0 0 0 0 Williamsc 2 0 0 0 1 is calories 1 77'1 him sixth as a future in 1959 I Safety said in Austin that he felt 1 and he hone it off soe 30 1 N81'o2iicli 1 i2k i2): l'Illi'orras He is 25 i sure efforts had been made to I pounds prior to this tournament Brunei r) i ti aap 2Rnol 0 A 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 This was his first victory as Totals 34 4 10 3 Totals 303 6 i 1 '444 BEsT BETs 4 1 eitaatillo4PifilAugiu001 On the NETS 1 a professional although he his ok11mt city well on the tour imiiicilie The in warm for sunshine nd welieritv 88-degree Vint! 27-17 De weather a anti -climax to the tournament proper whieh saw Palmer and Nicklaus tie over 72 1 i holes at 233 one stroke under am 02 000-4 61 2 1 Inn 010 010-3 a 1 1 Milked tor Rehm in 7th 2Fouled out 1 in 9th ENelson Camp- i bell POA Oklahoma City 24-13 Louis- Klimehock Herrscher i I'41'erIt'se11 TX liNaPrItsi'n'TaLn HaTiVilberNi11s(! Inman late and Roberts Herrschers II and Lent Krsnich and Leif' LOB-Oklahoma Cit 9 Louisville 9 ilh I 113CiiiikrTnihp30iniferr ItirRsn---13h McDaniel ISB- er bb so 1 hit-ate Tribune Service par Nelson 7-5i 7 1-3 6 3 2 7 5 NATIONAL VELVET "The Palmer missed numerons op- Brunet 1 2-3 0 0 A 2 0 Rehm (Li 25) 7 9 4 2 4 4 i Outsider" 7 portunities in his final round to BK 2 toot take the title uncontested but DAS tCampbell) and Ali Tay- and Peters T-2i45 ATT--105 i he couldn't get his putts into the SECOND GAME lor help a blind boy overcome I hole Ile three -putted on four ONLABONIdAb(r'y IAMIISVILiLrEh hi RADIO-TV FM TIPS 1 holes on his third round Ile three- 17fulis 1- putted twice Sunday and on an- canuirtubenict i i i 2 1 i 1 other occasion took three shots ll 7 3 i 14 i i from the edge NicDant 3 4 0 0 0 Boleerit 4 3 '1 0 1 Report Due Nicklaus besides his prodi-L s7in is drives which repeatedly sailed Woolent 4 0 1 fi 1 1141 33i3! Shartter2 4 0 0 il Herkcherss 4 0 3 3 1 111 Jiliekinniatvn 0 1 :11 III H4laccc 41 11 II 11 1 1 out in front of Palmer's best ef-cluincip I a a a Lcmicioacy forts putted brilliantly 2 rate 1 ti 1 1 "I' In Election i Ile had only one three putt I oklahunia city Thai 001 ckil 4 7 4 green during the entire tourna- 1 Luiiivira 710 211 1-' ik 2 ll ment of 90 holes Ile boldly slisviieliti fnui 671 itciali li -4i Int I knocked in five and six footers man Camobell McDaniel Her I the i I mer was msin i-g 1 ier 2 Boyd --Osoinoma City Loinkville 49 DP Hartman i wthout a quiver They seemed co Louisville i ts '''e a i iinailvir and Boyd 10B -Oklah 4144 run or I a 2 Hartman '2 i While Krkinch Lela HR lirSnich the cup 'rem I While its' every- thing it takes to be a great play- er lie has an understanding el lie has an understanding of the game at his age that many 11 6-2 Mk Ility lie 1 0 it lo 1 ekpers Sign Off WBAP-WFAA RADIO (570) I MOND11' MOVIES WBAP-FM 963 MEG 8 in the House" '56 Monday Programs Comedv-drama Patrick Along la music Rhythm 8 8 Along Memories Music tone Memories locty Lone Orchestras Ballroom Only 5 Orchestras Ballroom Only 6 12 and Wine Rendezvous Festival 12 Rendezvous 8 00 9 After Rendezvous Dark 12 Of Barr Marjorie Rhodes A widowed mother MONtS in with each of her three married sons and unable to live with their fOlitinCS returns happily to her friends Channel 8 Nlekec" '33 Comedy-romance Joan Crawtoid Franchot lone Cook's daughter and magnates on temporarily part while young ukulele player romances girl Channel '31 Dram a NI arie Dressler Roscoe Ales Uoman running for mayor against some gangsters uncovers a murder a corruption his self-pitying attitude Bobby Crawford Jr plays the part of the blind boy WBAP SURFSIDE 6 "House On Boca ex-showgirl warns investigator Sandy Winfield to quit searching for a missing heir or face the possiblility of losing his life Patricia Blair is featured with Troy Donahue WFAA flthIll PRECINCT "Modus cunning burglar using the modus operandi of several known criminals leads police on a merry chase as theyre kept guessing while he stazes job after job in a distinctive style 11-in Andersoa is featured WRAP his self-pitying attitude Bob- by Crawford Jr plays the part of the blind boy WBAP SURE SIDE 6 "House On Boca ex-showgirl warns investigator Sandy Winfield to quit search- jug for a missing heir or face the possiblility of losing his life Patricia Blair is featured with Troy Donahue WFAA 8thIll PRECINCT "Modus Repeat1 cunning burglar using the modus operandi of several known criminals leads police on a merry chase as they re kept 011eSSiir while he stv es job after job in a di stinctive 'lvle-11-ln Imers" Is lealurea II 1 Monday Daytime Programs-ABC I 530-N Mel Liv 1030-N st Rod Ref 600-News Cox 1200-ii-N Harvey 630-N si Mel lay 1230-M Cox Music 700-News thee 100-flair 730-Radio Refined 200-Me iodic Living 1t 8 Rod Ref Rod Ref A efr vN 8 30-N Mel Liv 5-00-Pau Harvey 900-Breakfast Club 530-Alex Drter 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watch 4 30-Sidelights 8 00 CI each Hit Parade 8 30-N ot CI watch 5 00-N 1 Hit r'cle 10 00-N st Godfrey 5 2-Sports News 11-00-N t4 se ty 545-Lowell Thomas 1130-Garry Moore Monday Nighttime Prearamt-CIS 6-00-News 740-Baseball6 15-iity tiny Rangers vs 6 30-Mitch Miller Oklahoma City 7 00-World lanoght 10 00--Newso Monte 730-Obsetv News 11-00-News 111 Kali RADIO 1540 Monday Programs 5 00- Amansocer 9 45-Morgan Cheat Ionchwo 10 00-559 audio 6 00-tarm I lontit Church 7 00- iefy kalkt 10 10 Church 7 30 Lite Lino 11 00 ktpoto Masi 7 457e Faris 12 '00-111 favnakte 1I5-Unity 6 00 twiky (Cray Vitowearoft 7 Parks Houtton Celts 8 30-5M Id tom eve vs Mots 9 00Jyrry Parke VI-WA Lofty 9 30-Chrttlon 12 00-5901 Ott ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW CBS (Repeat) Andy and Barney go to the state cnpital on official business and Barney immediately spots a man he believes to he a jewel thief Barney puts busi ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW 4:30 CBS (Repeat) Andy and Barney go to the state cnpital on official business and Barney immediately spots a man he believes to be a jewel thief Barney puts busi- 1011-FM 971 MEG Monday Programs 00-Music 805-Music of 730 -Porter Randall Broadway 7 415-Mus III Noon 905-Cantomparary 12 00-Portot Randall Jazz :2 15-Mel Matinee 10 05-Sinatra Wrote 6 00-Portet Rondo 0 11 05-Mood musit 6 15-Dinner music 12 00-Sign Oft 705-Golden Sound News on tho Mow KERA (CHANNEL 13) Monday Programs 2 00-What I New 6 00-Mythology 2 30-Art and 6 30-Learn to Swim Artists: Great 7 00-Aerospaco Britain 7 30-Breakthru 3 00- Italy Strikes 800-1ho Written It Rich Word 3 30-The Dropout 8 30-Sig Picture A 00-Japan loday 9 00-four Religions 5 30-Whata New 10 00-Sign Ott KNOK RADIO 970 Monday Programs 4 30- Jub Soionanis 1 00 Shia ot Lion go Biggs gi rise 2 00 Jerry thom*ot 30 Bugotin 2 30 -Sulistin 8 35 Blues Sunrise 2 35- terry Dimas 8 113-Escluslye 4 00-toncly Warren 9 00-Gospol train 7 30-Bire4r1y Lowe 10 30-Itrin4y Wentql 7 Give a 1isten Radio Refined which in ak es whatever you're doing easier begins at 730 a weekdays on WBAP-570 A special SRC News program reporting on the Canadian Gen eral Election including political background and what the election means to the United States will be aired by WFAA-820 at 8:15 Take a Look Miss Mary Lynn conducts the educational Romper Room for the preschool kiddies each weekday on Channel 11 at 11:30 a Joan Crawford and Franchot Tone star in Channel 11s movie at 1 "Sadie McKee" Imogene Coca and Keenan Vynn are guest stars in a suspenseful Jane Wyman Presents at 2 tn on Channel Dane CI a ink estigales a 'Death at Twin Pines" on Chanrfl S's Action 3 thriller at 5 Give a Listen Radio Re-I fi in ned which a whatever you're doing easier begins at 7:30 a weekdays on WBAP-570 I or fk 4:1 or rsenrAre Nicklaus went ahead at the 1 io er hb ko '''') lo 4 8 ti first hole where Palmer sliced ittlyian (L 4 4 9 7 7 2 1 into the rough pitched over the green and chipped 16 feet past Rnd Dearr T- 2 4lli All -Oiltl the cup for a bogey five The Columbus youngster added to his A advantage with birdies at the tirrendondo Captures 1 fourth chipping to within four feet and the sixth where he laid Pan-American Title 6-iron ness aside in order to pursue tee shot six feet from the i his quarry KRLD I hole 1 Tony Arrendondo beat Rudy i Palmer double bogied this Flores 2-1 Sunday to win the Attractive I short hole of 183 years three- Pan-American Golf Association Re- putting from 15 feet championship at 111-div nod peat brother and sister in Palmer four shots hack he- Other flight winners were: an attempt to gain inheritances gan his charge at the ninth with First Brisino It stage the "accidental" death of a birdie four Henry Perez on the 220d hole her husband Co-starred are The gallery A ent jump- Second Beimai es Richard Long Leo Carroll in and 105Sin bats into the heat Joe Alvarado 4-1 Third Otto Kruger Joan Tel-id and when the native son from near- Flight Arnold Oelmares beat Joyce Bouliphant VDU' by Latrobe knocked in a birdie Henry Mendez 4-3 12 Clorneflo CFUS-040.

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About Fort Worth Star-Telegram Archive

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Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)


How much does it cost to place an obituary in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

Placing an obituary in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram starts at $55.00. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary. Where do obituaries placed with appear?

How do I contact Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-776-7827. Your subscription is subject to additional Terms of Service at

Who started the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram has quite the history of innovation and public service as it has grown over the years. Its founding publisher, Amon G. Carter Sr., was a renowned booster of Fort Worth and West Texas, with the Star-Telegram sporting the largest circulation of any paper in Texas.

How many years has the Fort Worth Star-Telegram been in business? ›

Fort Worth Star-Telegram
The front page of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, May 30, 2024
Founded1906 (as Fort Worth Star)
Political alignmentConservative
Headquarters808 Throckmorton St. Fort Worth, Texas 76102 US
Circulation43,342 (as of 2023)
8 more rows

Does the Fort Worth Star-Telegram still exist? ›

I'm proud to introduce this new feature of the Star-Telegram, which continues our tradition as a strong voice for local news that dates back to our founding in 1906. If you have questions or feedback about the Edition, please contact our Customer Care team at 1-800-776-7827 or

Why does it cost so much to put an obituary in the newspaper? ›

The cost of a newspaper obituary depends on the size of the newspaper's circulation, whether there's a photo, the number of days it will run, and the size of the obituary. Small towns may charge $50, but on average expect to pay at least $250 for the typical short obituary.

What does the star on Telegram mean? ›

Telegram Stars are digital currency within the Telegram app, used to buy digital goods and services directly from bots and mini apps.

How do I place an ad in Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

If you're ready to learn more and see how advertising with The Fort Worth Star-Telegram can connect you with a truly local audience across print, digital and more, contact us at 1‑800‑671‑9401 or email us to get started.

How can I contact Telegram contact? ›

You can contact Telegram by emailing or calling them or leaving them a message on one of the social media platforms. Alternatively, you can use their knowledge base if you prefer self-service support.

Who is the editor of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

Steve Coffman - Editor - Fort Worth Star-Telegram | LinkedIn.

Who was Fort Worth founded by? ›

Founded in 1849 by Maj. Ripley Allen Arnold as a military outpost against Comanche raids, it was named for Major General William Jenkins Worth, commander of U.S. troops in Texas at the time. After the army left in 1853, settlers around the fort moved into its buildings.

Who owns the leader telegram? ›

History. Adams Publishing acquired the Leader-Telegram from the Graaskamp and Atkinson families, which had owned the paper since 1887.

How much does Telegram make? ›

How much is Telegram's revenue? ‌‌Telegram does not make any profit from its application and services. As of 2020, there is zero revenue made. However, they have started their in-app purchases worldwide and generated 6.1 million U.S. dollars in February 2024.

How big is Telegram company? ›

As of July 2024, Telegram has more than 950 million monthly active users, with India leading in the number of users. It was the most downloaded app worldwide in January 2021 with 1 billion downloads globally as of late August 2021.

How successful is Telegram? ›

Telegram, a cloud-based instant messaging app, has experienced remarkable success in recent years. With over 500 million active users worldwide, it has become one of the most popular messaging platforms globally.

How do I submit an obituary to the local newspaper? ›

Most newspapers will have links on their websites directing people to submit a paid death notice, usually under the heading “Obituaries” or “Obits.” While some newspapers manage their own obituary submission and management processes, many newspapers work with the obituary and death notice website

How to send a telegram for a funeral? ›

How to Send a Condolence Sympathy Bereavement Telegram for Funerals? Order and Send a Condolence Telegram online at or call 800-Telegram℠ (1-800-835-3472). You can send a Condolence, Sympathy, and Bereavement Telegram for delivery the same day.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph? ›

Placing an obituary in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph starts at $30.00.

How do I submit an obituary to Dallas Morning News? ›

Submit An Obituary. Three ways to place an obituary. Call us at 214-977-8672, Email us at, Use our self serve tool by clicking the GET STARTED button below.


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.