How to Read and Understand a French Menu (2024)

Whether you’re dining in France or in some fancy French restaurant elsewhere, going face-to-face with a French menu is enough to make you rack your brains for all the French you know.

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (1)

But don’t fret! This article will brush those cobwebs away and help you read a French menu with ease. We will start with a list of 15 common (must-try!!) French dishes you will likely come across on a French menu. Then we will follow it up with French menu terms including cooking methods, food descriptions, photos (because some don't provide photos for each French menu items), and more French food terms.

After reading this article, you'll be well-equipped to decode a French menu like a real pro in French food!

Table of Contents

Some Typical French Dishes You’ll Find in a French Menu

1. Foie gras

2. Confit de canard

3. Poulet Basquaise

4. Canard à l’Orange

5. Coquilles Saint-Jacques

6. Salade Nicoise

7. Quiche Lorraine

8. Ratatouille

9. Bouillabaisse

10. Vichyssoise Soup

11. Boeuf Bourguignon

12. Coq au Vin

13. Soupe à l’oignon

14. Cassoulet

15. Crème Brûlée

The Different French Menu Terms

Basic Terms

The Different Courses/ Food Categories You’ll Find in a French Menu (La Carte)

French Terms Related to Cooking Methods

Food Descriptions You’ll Find in le Carte

More French Food Terms

To sum it all up...

Here are some FAQs about French Menu

How do you say “menu” in French?

What is the national drink of France?

How to say food in French?

What is included in a typical French menu?

Some Typical French Dishes You’ll Find in a French Menu

Here's a list of some of the common French dishes you’ll likely find in a French restaurant menu. There's a reason they're popular.

1. Foie gras

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (2)

This iconic French delicacy is not just your ordinary duck or goose liver. It’s specially fattened to achieve that mouth-watering buttery taste!

2. Confit de canard

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (3)

This specialty of the Gascony region is a wonderful treat. Duck meat is cooked using a traditional process (confit) which includes marinating and slow-cooking in its own fat and juices. Delectable!

3. Poulet Basquaise

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (4)

A traditional dish considered as the epitome of Basque cuisine, the Poulet Basquaise is made tender and more savory with piperade--a special sauce made of Bayonne ham, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, and more.

4. Canard à l’Orange

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (5)

Care for some roasted duck in orange sauce? This duck dish is a real French classic!

5. Coquilles Saint-Jacques

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (6)

Imagine scallops, mushroom and wine combined in such a delightful way. Yes, that’s heaven on earth alright!


  • Practice 1,400 useful French phrases for every situation
  • Learn how to order any dish from a French menu with 600+ French dishes in the Menu Reader
  • Easy phonetic guide to help with pronunciation
  • Boost your pronunciation and listening skills with the audio

6. Salade Nicoise

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (8)

This protein-packed salad from Provence is made of black Nicoise olives, canned or fresh tuna, boiled egg, green beans, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, baby potatoes, and baby artichokes. There are plenty of variations to this dish, but one thing’s for sure--it’s a light and fresh salad that you’ll quite enjoy.

7. Quiche Lorraine

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (9)

A perfectly balanced combo of bacon, eggs, and heavy cream, this French classic and creamy and mouth-watering---one you won’t immediately forget!

8. Ratatouille

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (10)

Made famous worldwide by a popular animated movie, this traditional dish from Nice is packed with fresh vegetables such as zucchini, bell peppers, eggplant and herbs.

9. Bouillabaisse

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (11)

This traditional fish stew is a hearty treasure from the South of France. Cooked with a variety of fresh fish and shellfish, it’s something seafood lovers won’t be able to say no to!

10. Vichyssoise Soup

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (12)

If you’re in the mood for cold soup, this one is your best bet. Made of potatoes mixed in butter and flavored with herbs, it’s a soup perfect for a hot summer day.

11. Boeuf Bourguignon

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (13)

Originally hailing from Burgundy, an area famous for its cattle and red wine, it’s no wonder that this French classic dish is a hearty beef stew braised with red wine. You can’t say you’ve tried French cuisine without trying this!

12. Coq au Vin

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (14)

Braised in red wine and added with mushroom, garlic, and lardons, you have the well-loved French dish, coq au vin.

13. Soupe à l’oignon

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (15)

So comforting and mouth-watering, that’s soupe à l’oignon for you. Another classic favorite, this soup is made of beef stock and onions and some genuine French cuisine magic.

14. Cassoulet

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (16)

If you’re looking to fill a hearty appetite, the cassoulet is a rich and delectable dish you should try. Made of meats (could be duck, pork sausages, mutton, or goose), pork skin, and white beans and slow-cooked to perfection, this one is a filling dish that will leave you satisfied!

15. Crème Brûlée

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (17)

For those with a sweet tooth, the beautiful velvety texture and gorgeous burnt color of this lovely dessert is a sight to behold and a wonder to taste.

You can learn more French dishes in the following articles:

50 Fabulous French Foods for All Occasions

10 Uncommon French Pastries You Probably Haven’t Tried Yet

Another useful article for ordering in a French restaurant:

Eating out in France: The Ultimate Guide to Ordering Food like a Local

The Different French Menu Terms

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (18)

One of the things that would cause confusion among English speaking diners is the different usage of terms in France and outside of France.

There are plenty of tricky cognates such as “menu” and “entrée”. So before anything else, let’s remove any confusion by looking at the basic words and then agree to use the French context of the terms from here on (at least for this article).

Basic Terms

  • La carte – this is what English speakers know as “a menu” or the booklet or piece of paper handed to you by the waiter/hostess.
  • Le menu – what English speakers know as the fixed price menu or a set menu. It’s a set price for two or more courses. This can be a less expensive way to order your food. It is also known as la formule. The term “prix-fixe” is ironically not used in France.
  • L’ardoise -- this literally means “slate” and refers to the boards used to write down the specials or the set menu selections for the day. These are the ones displayed in the entrance of the restaurant or on a wall.
  • La carte des vins -- the wine menu
  • Une dégustation / Menu dégustation – a tasting menu. It contains an array of small portions of several dishes served by the restaurant. It comes from the verb ‘deguster’ which means ‘to taste’.
  • à la carte – stand-alone or single items that you order off the menu, each with its own price.
  • plats du jour -- daily specials offered by many French restaurants in France; literally "dish of the day”
  • Assiette - refers to a plate of something such as fromage (cheese) or charcuterie (cured meats).

The Different Courses/ Food Categories You’ll Find in a French Menu (La Carte)

  • un apéritif - a co*cktail; a pre-dinner drink
  • un amuse-bouche or amuse-gueule - small snacks
  • une entrée - this is what is referred to in English as “appetizers” or “staterts”
  • le plat principal - the main dish or what English speakers know as the entrée
  • Accompagnement – side dish
  • le fromage - cheese
  • le dessert - dessert
  • le café - coffee
  • un digestif - after-dinner drink

For more in-depth discussions related to French cuisine basics, check out these awesome articles:

A guide to French food habits

French Food and Drink Vocabulary

Take note of these additional tips on ordering off of a French carte

  • For a more affordable meal, check under the menu section of the carte and you’ll see different choices (combinations) available for various fixed prices

  • The set food choices in le menu or formule consists of an entrée, a plat and a desserte followed by the price.
  • You may have the option to choose between:
  • Entrée + plat
  • Plat + dessert
  • Entrée + plat + dessert
  • You might find some additional notations like (supp. €2) or (+€2). This refers to the extra charge for choosing that particular dish.

French Terms Related to Cooking Methods

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (19)

artisanal homemade, traditionally made
à la broche cooked on a skewer
à la vapeur steamed
à l'etouffée stewed
au fourbaked
biologique, bioorganic
bouilli boiled
coupé en désdiced
coupé en tranches / rondellessliced
en croûtein a crust
en daubein stew, casserole
en geléein aspic/gelatin
farci stuffed
fondu melted
frit fried
fumé smoked
glacé frozen, icy, glazed
grillé grilled
haché minced, ground (meat)
maison homemade
poêlé panfried
Poché poached
relevé highly seasoned, spicy
séché dried
truffé with truffles
truffé de ___dotted/speckled with ___

Take note: when ordering meat, you’ll be asked how you want it cooked. Here are some possible answers.

  • Saignant - rare. WARNING: This literally means “bleeding” so don’t complain about getting a bloody meat afterwards.(sahn-yahnt)
  • A point – medium(ah pwanh)
  • Bien cuit– well done(byen kwee)
  • Brûlé – burnt. I’m adding this option here but nobody orders this normally. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want to do, too! (broo-lee)

Food Descriptions You’ll Find in le Carte

salésalty, savory
aiguilletteslong, thin slices (of meat)
ailewing, white meat
___ à volonté (e.g., frites à volonté)all you can eat
la choucroutesauerkraut
cruditésraw vegetables
cuissethigh, dark meat
émincéthin slice (of meat)
fines herbessweet herbs
un méli-méloassortment
un morceaupiece
au pistouwith basil pesto
une poêlée de ___assorted fried ___
la puréemashed potatoes
une rondelleslice (of fruit, vegetable, sausage)
une trancheslice (of bread, cake, meat)
une truffetruffle (very expensive and rare fungus)

More French Food Terms

Now, let’s kick it up a notch with these additional terms that would make you sound like a French food pro.

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (20)

à l'ailwith garlicah ail
à l'anciennetraditional stylealons-yen
à la brocheroasted on a spitala brosh
à la jardinièrewith assorted vegetablesala jardeen-yair
à la normandein cream sauceala normond
à la provençalecooked in olive oil with tomatoes, garlicala provonsahl
assaisonnementseasoning; dressingassezonuhmon
assiette anglaiseselection of cold meatsass-yet onglez
au choix ... choice of…o shwa
au gratinbaked in a milk, cream and cheese sauceo gratan
bavette à l'échalote grilled beef with shallotsbavet a layshalot
Béarnaisewith béarnaise sauce (sauce made from egg yolks, butter and herbs)bay-arnez
béchamelwhite sauce, béchamel saucebayshamel
beurre d'anchoisanchovy pastebeur donshwa
beurre d'estragontarragon butterbeur destragon
beurre noirdark melted butter beur nwahr
Carbonnadestew made with beef, onions and beerkarbonad
carré d'agneaurack of lambkarray dan-yo
clear soup made from meat or chickenkonsommay
contre-filetbeef sirloin roastkon·tre·fee·ley
coupe des îlesvanilla ice cream with syrup, fruit and whipped creamkoop day zeel
crème à la vanillevanilla custardkrem ah la vanee
crème anglaise Custard krem onglez
Cruditésselection of salads or chopped raw vegetableskroodeetay
entrecôte rib steakontr-koht
fait maisonhomemade fay mezzon
fricassée (f)lamb, veal or poultry in a thick creamy sauce with
mushrooms & onions
Garniwith French fries or rice and/or vegetablesgarnee
marchand de vinin red wine saucemarshon duh van

Want more? Check out these articles related to French food:

To sum it all up...

Understanding a French menu (be sure to refer to it now as la carte) and ordering off of the French menu items, takes some practice. But with the terms I just ran you through, it should be a breeze.

If you want more, you can always check out the French Menu Reader available when you get the French Phrasebook.


  • Practice 1,400 useful French phrases for every situation
  • Learn how to order any dish from a French menu with 600+ French dishes in the Menu Reader
  • Easy phonetic guide to help with pronunciation
  • Boost your pronunciation and listening skills with the audio

Here are some FAQs about French Menu

How do you say “menu” in French?

La carte refers to the booklet or paper given by the waiter/waitress, and le menu refers to a fixed-price or set menu. In a French restaurant, you can expect le menu to be written on a board known as l’ardoise, which is either affixed to the wall or displayed in the entrance. Fun fact, the wine may have its own menu known as la carte des vins.

What is the national drink of France?

Red wine, or champagne!

How to say food in French?

La nourriture, or l’alimentation.

What is included in a typical French menu?

A typical French menu tends to categorise their available menu items by course. We have l’apéritif (pre-dinner drink or co*cktail), l’amuse-bouche (small snacks), l’entrée (appetizer), le plat principal (main dish), l’accompagnement (side dish), le fromage (cheese), le dessert (dessert), le café (coffee), and le digestif (after-dinner drink).

A few classic French dishes you may find à la carte are le coq au vin (chicken braised in red wine), la soupe à l’oignon (onion soup made with beef stock), and la bouillabaisse (traditional stew made of fish and seafood).

How to Read and Understand a French Menu (2024)


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