Regeneration - Chapter 1 - Silver_Falchion (2024)

Chapter Text

A full week.

A full week since Blitz just suddenly disappeared when he left at some point on Halloween.

Inside the apartment, Loona shakes while sitting on the couch with her hellphone on the table and hugging his giant plushie of Spirit. It's one of the few things that still has his scent, and it's helping – even if only a little – in trying to calm herself down.

When he didn't show up the morning after, the hellhound didn't think anything of it until she found the van outside their building. Part of her told her that Blitz was gone, but most of her mind didn't register anything wrong and just began to search the nearby bars and taverns. After all, he probably went to get a drink only to end up staying and needing to be picked up.

Turns out, none of the owners or employees on duty that night had seen him and Loona quickly returned to the van. When she found some poor excuse for a costume thrown in the back, Loona sniffed it and found faint traces of that bird Blitz had been screwing.

So, she quickly whipped out her phone to begin calling him to find out where he is. However, the first notification she had was regarding a news article about the night before.

And she was livid.

Someone made a party – one that had been an annual event at that – mocking Blitz! Her blood boiled as she looked through pictures and read about what happened there. A snarl escaped as she read about that f*cking bird – f*ck that f*cking bastard! – singing about how terrible he was to him. How could he even say that, he's the one holding the god damn key to their f*cking business over his head for no over reason that to get his rocks off! Not to mention that Blitz was actually excited to see him on that last full moon they shared together and came back drinking himself to sleep!

However, one picture gave her pause as she opened it in a new tab and zoomed in on it. The picture itself was of the prince – kissing some succubus she never recognized – but in the back was Blitz in the costume she found in the van sitting with Verosika. The two didn't seem to be at each other's throats, but...he looked utterly heartbroken.

And it wasn't hard to figure out why.

That was the moment Loona knew something was terribly wrong. Blitz never came back from last night and was missing. She took the van over to Millie and Moxxie, told the two about what happened, and wanted to go to the prince to f*ck him up. However, Moxxie stopped her before she could even reach the door.

Loona, your father is missing and now's not the time to deal with the Prince. Focus on find Blitz first, and then we'll confront him about all of this.”

She reluctantly agreed, mostly since this was Moxxie – that fat*ss who barely knew anything – actually stepping up like his wife normally does. So, the trio left and began to search all of Pride while having to steer clear of Sinners and gangs within the Ring. By the time night had fallen on the second, they had no luck and moved onto Wrath.

Millie's family offered them a place to stay and helped them search the Ring the next day after explaining things. The larger group made quick work of the Ring by mid-day with no luck and the trio moved on to Gluttony. Loona went straight to Queen Bee for help who agreed – but it did meant getting help from Tex. Loona had nothing against him or any real grudge regarding his actions, but him being at the party in any capacity still ticked her off. However, even with a Sin on their side they found nothing though Queen Bee did give them a place to stay for free.

Day four found them in Greed with them sticking close as they tried their damnedest to avoid being targeted. At one point, they found some mute shark Moxxie recognized – looked depressed as sh*t – and Millie threatened them into helping. Turns out, the shark was a good tracker like her so the two tried their best to find any trace of her father. Ended up with next to nothing outside of some old traces at a junkyard. By the time they made it to the Elevator that night, the shark ditched them most likely out of fear of Millie than anything else.

Envy was the easiest due to there not being many spots for other Hellborn from the other Rings to even access. As such, the trio just searched where they could and got their hands on any lists that they were allowed access to. Blitz's name never appeared on any of them, nor did they find any sign of him at the resorts and beaches.

Sloth came after that, with the trio searching top to bottom even if Loona tried to avoid looking at the hospitals. However, no one had seen him, his name was never on any lists for motels or hotels – not even any under fake names – and all the hospitals had no records of him being there. With the end of day five, the trio entered a motel to rest before they made for the last stop on the Elevator.

When they arrived in Lust, the trio tried to find him as best as they could but any leads instantly vanished when Loona couldn't get a bead on his scent. Due to all the live entertainment and what that may entail, the scents hit her nose instantly and caused her to nearly vomit from all the more horrid smells that struck. Needless to say, their searching looked to take even longer...if someone hadn't spotted them at some point late in the day.

A limousine stopped before them before a window went down showing the trio Fizzarolli who was confused why they were in the Ring. All it took was mentioned Blitz being missing before the jester opened the door and let them in to go see Asmodeus. The Sin was willing to help however he could with the trio explaining...and Loona talking about the 'Hate Blitz Party'.

The duo seeing the articles and reading about them seemed more confused than angered regarding what the Prince was doing there at all. With the trio in the dark about it as well, Asmodeus moved to call up Stolas to have him come at once with Loona briefly against the idea.

That f*cking asshole is why Blitz is missing to begin with!”

Those where her exact words to the Sin of Lust himself. The reasoning why she didn't want him there to begin with. But both Asmodeus and Fizzarolli pointed out that the Prince also had some idea as to what might have happened and thus was required. So, despite her not wanting him to...Asmodeus called up Stolas to get him down to Lust.

Unfortunately, he wasn't available and wouldn't be until the next day. That put the Sin off, but a quick chat and they agreed to meet up at the palace. Asmodeus agreed to have his people search Lust before asking the trio to head home to rest up and in case Blitz returned home.

And now, here Loona is in her apartment in the late afternoon waiting for anything regarding Blitz. She refused to be in the same room as that f*cking prince, not after what she found out. f*ck, would this cause friction with Octavia? The two were close already, but this...this may change that.

Shaking her head, the hellhound sniffs Spirit again to calm herself down with Blitz's scent. They'll find him, no doubt about that. Then she can get all her emotions off her chest, make him swear to never pull this sh*t again, and-

Her hellphone rings. She gasps and quickly snatches it as she looks at the caller ID while a familiar face and name come on the screen.


Swiping the answer button fast, the hellhound puts it to her ear and asks, “B-Blitz?” you have the van?”

She blinks, not expecting his first words to be anything along those lines. But...she notices how...tired he sounds even over the phone. Like he's two steps away from jumping off a cliff or something like that.

Y-Yeah, it's o-outside,” Loona replies, her voice shaky. She's thankful Asmodeus offered the other two a quicker transport with portals. “L-Listen, is something-”

Listen to me, Loona. Take the van and head down to Wrath about ten miles due...west of that ranch Millie's family owns. You'll see me in the distance from there. Just...only you...please.”

Horror grips her heart as she hears every word coming from him. This...this is becoming worse and worse as the seconds go by, her body shaking and her breathing becoming erratic. What...what is he doing?

B-Blitz,” she finally forces out, “W...What's going on?”

I don't want to die alone. Please.”

I'll be right there!” Loona instantly exclaims, ending the call as she vaults over the couch.

Instantly, she knew what he had planned. Why he had been missing for so long. And she dreads what she will find when she gets there.

After getting the keys and closing the apartment door – locking it as she goes out – the hellhound rushes down the stairs to the lobby and the front doors. She doesn't have time to try and figure out a plan to get the others down there. There was only one thing racing through her mind in that moment.

Blitz is dying, and he wants her there.


The IMP Van skids to a halt as Loona stops on the side of the road while looking out of the window to see an imp partially obscured by the setting sun. She turns off the car and curses the Elevator for how long the wait time to get down to Wrath was. However, that doesn't matter as she opens the door and hops out before running towards the imp.

Inside her mind, she's begging for whatever grand deity rules over the cosmos that she's arrived in time to stop him. She didn't want Blitz to leave her life...not yet. She's not ready for that moment to happen yet.

Loona soon stops and pants as she stands ten feet from the imp whose obviously Blitz who leans over a rock with his hands on it. Her gaze remains on him before briefly looking at a second rock closer to her which has a small wooden box laying on his gloves on top. The imp doesn't seem to react as he keeps looking at the ground with his tail slowly swaying from side to side.

Blitz?” Loona asks, trying to swallow her fear as she looks at him, “Please...please tell me...y-you haven't...”

I've already done it,” the imp quietly replies, still sounding tired as his face and hand scars seems to glow from the setting sun, “Inside that box.”

Loona feels her heart drop and the air sucked out of her lungs as she looks down at the box sitting there in front of her as if mocking her. Stepping up to it, she leans down and lifts the clasp of the box before tilting the lid up-

Immediately, she snarls and slams the lid back down while backing away from the horrible, horrible stench she was just assaulted by.

Holy water,” she says out loud, turning to Blitz, “You...drank holy water.”

Five bottles of it,” he replies as if not thinking about it.

Five bottles?!” Loona shouts, the terror and fear making her turn to anger to let it out, “You were so adamant about me getting here, and yet you still decided to kill yourself?!”

He didn't say anything as his scars glow a bit brighter in a way that neither seem to notice. Blitz for his own reasoning and Loona just letting her rage taking over.

Well, that's really nice for you to just make me come so you won't die alone! And you didn't even think about me! About how I'll react, how all of this would affect me, or maybe how f*cked up I'll be from watching you die!”

Blitz remains quiet as he keeps staring at the ground while leaning over the rock he's in front of. As he blinks, Loona looks at him with her hackles being raised up and her muzzle trapped in a snarl. And as she keeps staring at him, part of her wants him to understand just how f*ck up this entire situation is.


Silence falls over them for a moment, Loona seething as she waits for Blitz to begin speaking to her. Why doesn't he just speak and say-

Loona Buckzo.”

That makes the hellhound blink before a soft chuckle comes from the imp as he turns his head to look at her. She sees a tired smile on his face as...wait, is the sun making the scar on his face glow? It wasn't that bright a few moments ago.

Our last name's pretty silly when you think about it. I sister had the right idea by going for our mother's maiden name rather than that one.”

Loona blinks again as her eyes tear up a bit. he starting to go?

S-Sister?” Loona asks quietly, making Blitz blink before his smile grows.

Yeah...yeah I have a sister,” Blitz replies, standing up straight and turning his body towards her, “She...she and I haven't gotten along well these past few years. She...she would have loved to meet mom would if she was around.”

The hellhound flattens her ears as tears begin to run down her face while looking at him. He...he never mentioned his mother before...never even mentioned any family until-

In fact...I know where her grave is,” he continues while tears fill his own eyes, “If...if I knew any better...maybe I would have taken you to her. At least then you and I our respects.”

Loona takes a breath before shakily asking, “W-Why...are you saying this?”

Because I know you're scared,” Blitz says, giving a sad smile as he sucks in air, “And that's okay because...because I'm scared, too.”

The hellhound looks at the imp, both staring at each other as the sunset illuminates the two of them. However, both blink as Blitz's scars glow brightly with the light covering his face as well with Loona raising an arm to block some of the glow from her eyes.

Suddenly, Blitz rears his head back as golden energy explodes out from his head and hands with some of the energy hitting the ground. Loona steps back while watching in horror as the imp keeps sending out the blasts of energy with those hitting the ground wafting over in all directions.

The energy feels so weird, a strange sense of comfort hits her as if the power was trying to relax her and keep her spirit lifted. However, she manages to keep her focus as the energy covers nearly all of Blitz's body causing it to glow like the rest of him. And just as soon as it began, the light suddenly vanishes and Loona lowers her arm as she looks straight at Blitz.

For a good few moments, both just stare at each other in stunned silence.

It's long enough for Loona to register that the being before her is wearing Blitz's clothes but has grown to match her own height. They look like a perfect mix of a bird demon – possibly a Goetia – and an imp with them having red feathers which appear like they're made of fire. Out the back of their head are horns identical to Blitz's while their mouth has black markings like a beak and white feathers on the right side like a half mask. Their swaying tail still has the look of the imp's but with feathers covering the top acting as spines while their hands are white with red claws.

The being's eyes – a perfect match to Blitz's own – finally blink before they say in shock, “W-What?”

Loona blinks at hearing the imp's voice coming from the being whose startled as well as they lifts their arm and slaps a hand over their mouth. Their eyes widen in horror before the hybrid demon reaches down and shoves their hand into their pocket.

The hellhound just watches in silence as she takes in what's going on before her and the demon pulls out Blitz's phone. A few swipes and a few seconds later, the being gets the phone to open the camera view to the one facing the user and sees what they look like.

And then they spoke again.

Holy f*cking sh*t!”

The hybrid demon quickly touches their own face as they keeps looking at the camera and Loona them freak out.

What the f*ck! Why the f*ck do I look like a f*cking love child of that Phenex f*cker and myself! Did those bastards give me a f*cking potion rather than the actual holy water I f*cking paid for?!”

She...she could only blink. This...this wasn't a strange demon who just spawned out of nowhere to replace Blitz. This...this was Blitz...

Without thinking, Loona blurts out, “What the f*ck, Blitz!”

That's what I'm trying to figure out Looney!” the hybrid demon – Blitz, Blitz shouts back while pocketing his phone before looking at the box and pointing at it, “Open that box! Does anything smell like something other than holy water?!”

Blinking, she takes a breath and walks over to the box before quickly opening the lid of the box to look at what's inside. This results in the red fabric interior with five empty glass bottles laying on their sides facing towards her. Swallowing a bit, she leans in and takes a small sniff before backing up while her hackles get raised again.

I just smell holy water...both tainted and pure,” Loona replies, looking over at the hybrid demon.

Well, f*ck me I guess!” Blitz exclaims to the sky while grabbing his head and walking around, “All I wanted to do was spare everyone the fact that I f*cking exist and they would be better off without me! But...but...”

Loona watches him in shock as she sees him stand in front of the rock he was once leaning over before collapsing to sit on it with his elbows on his knees. She watches as he takes a breath before saying quietly, “I f*cked up with Stolas...why wouldn't I f*ck up killing myself?”

The hellhound blinks before looking over at the box and Blitz's gloves while the latter wallows in whatever he's on. Mostly out of spite, but...should she? After all, one moment he's trying to off himself and the next his entire appearance changed.

Plus, how the f*ck did he do that anyway?

Looking up, she sees his hands slip down into his lap as he stares at the ground not unlike how she first found him. Just staring at him makes Loona realize how...lost he actually was. Did...did he feel this way before? how she felt back at the pound when he came to adopt her?

She glances over to the box and gloves before slowly stepping towards them as she reaches out. The moment she grabs the lid, she closes it up and picks up the box with both hands before tucking it under one arm. Throwing his gloves – one still having the Asmodeus Crystal in it – on top of the box, she turns and sighs before walking over to him.

You, um...want to go to Gluttony and get drunk?” Loona awkwardly asks while offering a hand to Blitz. She's out of her depth here...but she's got to help him out some way, damn it!

The hybrid demon briefly stares at her hand before taking it as he says, “Sure...I could use a drink or ten.”

Regeneration - Chapter 1 - Silver_Falchion (2024)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.