Tails auf einem PC starten (2024)

Diese Seite beschreibt die Technik, um Tails von einem USB-Stick auf dem PCzu starten.

  1. Neustart von Windows 8 oder 10
  2. Starting with the Boot Menu key
  3. Troubleshooting Tails not starting at all
    1. Verify your Tails USB stick
    2. Check our list of known issues
    3. Edit the BIOS or UEFI settings (advanced users)
  4. Troubleshooting Tails not starting after the Boot Loader
    1. Überprüfen Sie Ihren Tails USB-Stick
    2. Versuchen Sie den Eintrag des Fehlerbehebungsmodus
    3. Try the External Hard Disk entry
    4. Check our list of known issues

In Windows oder auf dem Anmeldebildschirm von Windows:

  1. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie Tails mit einer der folgenden Methodeninstalliert haben:

    • balenaEtcher von Windows
    • balenaEtcher von macOS
    • GNOME Disks von Linux
    • die Linux-Kommandozeile
  2. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Start Tails auf einem PC starten (1).

  3. Halten Sie die Shift-Taste gedrückt, während SiePowerRestart wählen.

  4. Wählen Sie im Bildschirm Option auswählen die OptionGerät verwenden.

    Tails auf einem PC starten (2)

    Wenn der Bildschirm Option auswählen oder die OptionGerät verwenden nicht angezeigt wird, lesen Sie dieAnleitung zum Starten von Tails mit derBoot-Menütaste.

  5. Wählen Sie im Bildschirm Gerät verwenden die OptionBoot-Menü.

    Windows wird heruntergefahren, der Computer wird neu gestartet, und es wirdein Boot-Menü angezeigt.

    Stecken Sie Ihren Tails-USB-Stick ein, kurz nachdem SieBoot-Menü gewählt haben und während Windows herunterfährt.

    If your Windows has no Boot Menu option available, make sure thatyour Tails USB stick is plugged in and choose your USB stick directly in thelist of devices.

    In Zukunft empfehlen wir Wir, dass Sie Ihren Tails USB-Stick nureinstecken, wenn Windows heruntergefahren ist. Andernfalls könnte ein Virusin Windows Ihren Tails-USB-Stick infizieren und dessen Sicherheitbeeinträchtigen.

    Ein solcher Angriff ist theoretisch möglich, in der Praxis jedoch sehrunwahrscheinlich. Wir kennen keinen Virus, der Tails infizieren könnte.Siehe unsere Warnung zum Einstecken von Tails innicht vertrauenswürdigeSysteme.

    Das Boot-Menü ist eine Liste der möglichen Geräte, von denen aus gestartetwerden kann. Der folgende Screenshot ist ein Beispiel für ein Boot-Menü:

    Tails auf einem PC starten (3)

  6. Wählen Sie im Boot-Menü Ihren USB-Stick aus und drücken SieEnter.

  7. Wenn der Computer mit Tails startet, erscheint der Boot Loader und Tailsstartet automatisch nach 4 Sekunden.

    • Der Troubleshooting Mode deaktiviert einige Funktionen desLinux-Kernels und könnte auf manchen Computern besser funktionieren. Siekönnen diese Option ausprobieren, wenn Sie glauben, dass SieHardware-Kompatibilitätsfehler beim Starten von Tails haben.

    • Der Eintrag Externe Festplatte ermöglicht den Start von einerexternen Festplatte und einigeproblematische USB-Sticks.

If the Boot Loader appears, you can follow our instructionson the Welcome Screen.

Die meisten Computer starten nicht automatisch auf dem Tails-USB-Stick, aberSie können eine Boot-Menü-Taste drücken, um eine Liste der möglichen Geräteanzuzeigen, von denen aus gestartet werden kann.

Wenn Windows 8, 10 oder 11 auch aufdem Computer installiert ist, können Sie stattdessen die Anleitung zumStarten von Tails aus Windows 8 oder10 verwenden. Tails von Windowsaus zu starten ist einfacher als die Verwendung der Boot-Menü-Taste.

Der folgende Screenshot ist ein Beispiel für ein Boot-Menü:

Tails auf einem PC starten (5)

Diese Animation fasst zusammen, wie man mit der Boot-Menü-Taste auf demUSB-Stick startet:

In der folgenden Anleitung wird detailliert erklärt, wie man mit der TasteBoot Menu auf dem USB-Stick startet:

  1. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie Tails mit einer der folgenden Methodeninstalliert haben:

    • balenaEtcher von Windows
    • balenaEtcher von macOS
    • GNOME Disks von Linux
    • die Linux-Kommandozeile
  2. Fahre den Compter herunter und lasse dabei den USB Stick eingesteckt.

    Shut down the computer and plug in the Tails USB stick.

    Schalten Sie den Computer aus.

    Plug in the other Tails USB stick that you want to install upgrade from.

    Unplug your Tails USB stick while leaving the intermediary USB stick pluggedin.

  3. Identify the possible Boot Menu keys for the computer depending on thecomputer manufacturer in the following list:

    AcerF12, F9, F2, Esc
    FujitsuF12, Esc
    LenovoF12, Novo
    SamsungEsc, F12, F2
    SonyF11, Esc, F10
    Others…F12, Esc

    On many computers, a message is displayed very briefly when switching onthat also explains how to get to the Boot Menu or edit the BIOS settings.

  4. Schalten Sie den Computer ein.

    Immediately press several times the first possible Boot Menu key identifiedin step 2.

  5. If the computer starts on another operating system or returns an errormessage, shut down the computer again and repeat step 3 for all the possibleBoot Menu keys identified in step 2.

    If a Boot Menu with a list of devices appears, select your USB stick andpress Enter.

  6. Wenn der Computer mit Tails startet, erscheint der Boot Loader und Tailsstartet automatisch nach 4 Sekunden.

If the Boot Loader appears, you can follow our instructionson the Welcome Screen.

Use this section if the computer does not start from the USB stick and theBoot Loader does not display:

Verify your Tails USB stick

  1. Wait 2–3 minutes and try again. Some USB sticks need some rest afterinstalling.

  2. Try all other USB ports on the computer. Some USB ports cannot be used tostart from.

  3. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie Tails mit einer der folgenden Methodeninstalliert haben:

    • balenaEtcher von Windows
    • balenaEtcher von macOS
    • GNOME Disks von Linux
    • die Linux-Kommandozeile
  4. Make sure that you have verified your download ofTails.

  5. Make sure that you have verified your download.

  6. Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

  7. Try to install on a different USB stick.

  8. Try to use the same USB stick to start on a different computer.

If you get the following error message in Windows:

The disc image file is corrupted.

Then, you have to install Tails using balenaEtcher.

Check our list of known issues

Similar problems might have been reported already for your computer model inour list of known issues about Tails not starting atall.

Edit the BIOS or UEFI settings (advanced users)

To learn how to edit the BIOS or UEFI settings, search for the user manualof the computer on the support website of the manufacturer.

Take note of the changes that you apply to the BIOS or UEFI settings. That way, youcan revert the changes if they prevent the computer from starting on its usualoperating system.

In the BIOS or UEFI settings, try to apply the following changes:

  • Make sure that the Boot Menu key is enabled, in your BIOS or UEFIoptions. This option might be called Boot Device List or somethingsimilar, depending on the computer.

  • Edit the Boot Order. You might see an entry for Removable devicesor USB media. Move this entry to the top of the list to force thecomputer to start from the USB stick before starting from the internalhard disk.

  • Disable Fast Boot.

  • Enable CSM Boot.

  • Enable Legacy Boot, in addition to UEFI. The computer might not startanymore on its regular operating system if you disable UEFI completely orif you only enable Legacy boot.

  • Try to upgrade the BIOS or UEFI. To do so, refer to the support website ofthe computer manufacturer.

Verwenden Sie diesen Abschnitt, wenn der Bootloader angezeigt wird, abernicht der Willkommensbildschirm, wenn Sie Tails starten.

Überprüfen Sie Ihren Tails USB-Stick

  1. Wait 2–3 minutes and try again. Some USB sticks need some rest afterinstalling.

  2. Try all other USB ports on the computer. Some USB ports cannot be used tostart from.

  3. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie Tails mit einer der folgenden Methodeninstalliert haben:

    • balenaEtcher von Windows
    • balenaEtcher von macOS
    • GNOME Disks von Linux
    • die Linux-Kommandozeile
  4. Make sure that you have verified your download ofTails.

  5. Make sure that you have verified your download.

  6. Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

  7. Try to install on a different USB stick.

  8. Try to use the same USB stick to start on a different computer.

Versuchen Sie den Eintrag des Fehlerbehebungsmodus

Im Boot-Loader wählen Sie den Eintrag Troubleshooting-Modus, der aufeinigen Computern besser funktioniert.

Try the External Hard Disk entry

In the Boot Loader, choose the External Hard Disk entry, if it isavailable. Some USB sticks need this entry in order to start Tails.

Check our list of known issues

  • If the computer displays the error message Error starting GDM with yourgraphics card, refer to our list of known issues with graphicscards.

  • Otherwise, refer to our list of known issues about Tails not startingentirely. It might contain workaroundsfor your computer model.

Tails auf einem PC starten (2024)


How long do Tails take to boot? ›

If the computer starts on Tails, the Boot Loader appears and Tails starts automatically after 4 seconds. The Troubleshooting Mode entry disables some features of the Linux kernel and might work better on some computers.

Can I use Tails on my personal computer? ›

To use Tails, shut down the computer and start on your Tails USB stick instead of starting on Windows, macOS, or Linux. You can temporarily turn your own computer into a secure machine. You can also stay safe while using the computer of somebody else. Tails is a 1.4 GB download and takes ½ hour to install.

Can you install Tails on a PC? ›

Install Tails from a computer that you trust

Tails protects you from viruses and malware on your usual operating system. This is because Tails runs independently from other operating systems. But your Tails might be corrupted if you install from a compromised operating system.

How to boot Tails from Chromebook? ›

With the machine powered off, plug in your Tails USB, and power on the Chromebook. This time, when the developer mode boot screen ("OS verification is off...") appears, you're going to press Ctrl+L , which will send you to the SeaBIOS screen. After a three second timeout, Tails should now boot up.

Does Tails wipe RAM? ›

Tails - Memory erasure. In order to protect against memory recovery such as cold boot attack, most of the system RAM is overwritten when Tails is being shutdown or when the boot medium is physically removed.

Are Tails trustworthy? ›

Our downloads are verifiable

Our downloads are reproducible to make sure that the process of building the downloads from our source code was not altered by our own infrastructure. We provide strong and easy-to-use verification mechanisms to make sure that our users are downloading a genuine copy of Tails.

Do I need a VPN if I use Tails? ›

Tails is a Debian-based Linux operating system designed to preserve privacy and anonymity by routing all internet traffic through Tor. While the Tails organization does not recommend using VPNs as a replacement for Tor, there are certain scenarios where using a VPN with Tails may be beneficial.

Does Tails hide your IP? ›

Anonymity: Tails provides a high level of anonymity while using the internet. The Tor Browser encrypts internet traffic and hides your IP address, making it difficult for anyone to track your online activity.

Does Tails need antivirus? ›

Does Tails need an antivirus? No, as other Linux systems, Tails doesn't require an antivirus to protect itself from most malwares, such as viruses, trojans, and worms. There are various reasons why Linux operating systems generally don't need antivirus softwares, including the permission design of Linux systems.

What desktop does Tails use? ›

The desktop environment used in Tails is GNOME.

Does Tails run on RAM? ›

By design, Tails is "amnesic". It runs in the computer's random access memory (RAM) and does not write to a hard drive or other storage medium.

What browser does Tails use? ›

Tails uses the Tor network to protect your privacy online and help you avoid censorship.

Can Tails run on Android? ›

Tails doesn't work on smartphones or tablets.

The hardware of smartphones and tablets is very different from the hardware of computers.

What is Ctrl Shift F5 on a Chromebook? ›

Take a screenshot or record your screen
  • If your Chromebook has no screenshot key: At the bottom right of your screen, select Settings. Screen Capture . Press Shift + Ctrl + Show windows .
  • If your external keyboard doesn't have a Show windows key , press Ctrl + Shift + F5.

What is Tails OS based on? ›

The Amnesic Incognito Live System (Tails OS)

Tails, or "The Amnesic Incognito Live System," is a security-focused Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at protecting the online privacy and anonymity of its users.

How painful is tail docking? ›

However, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and British Veterinary Association (BVA) maintain that tail docking is painful and may negatively affect the development of a puppy's vulnerable nervous system. Additionally, poorly performed docking can lead to chronic pain.

How soon can you dock tails? ›

Tail docking should be performed on newborn puppies between 2 and 5 days old. This window is not arbitrary, rather it allows the pups to get a small foothold in life while taking advantage of an underdeveloped nervous system that tolerates such an invasive procedure in stride.

What to expect after tail docking? ›

The incision area should be monitored for signs of infection, and be kept as clean as possible. Bandages may be used to assist in this measure, and will likely need to be changed regularly. A follow-up appointment will be needed two weeks after the surgery, at which point all sutures can be removed.

How long do tails take to heal? ›

Predicting a timeline for tail healing can be challenging, as every fracture or dislocation is unique. A minor hairline fracture might heal naturally within a few weeks. However, a severe fracture with accompanying nerve damage may take several months to heal and could require surgery for optimal recovery.


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.