Seraphic Threads of Fate - Chapter 1 - TemptressOfTheBlueAbyss (2024)

Chapter Text


I sat in the lounge of my brother’s ice palace. I just finished a frustrating call with my lawyer. Stolas refuses to budge on giving me a f*cking penny of our estate. “I want the f*cking house, his assets, and full custody of Octavia, but that imp sucking face won’t make this transition easy!” I stood from the table and threw my chalice at the wall just barely missing a servant imp.

“Sister, we can make sure he gives you what you need in time we just need to wear him down.” Andrealphus just sighs and jesters to the same imp servant to clean up the mess from his current seated position.

I snatched a bottle of wine from the table and started to walk towards the large window looking out to the courtyard. “I am sick of waiting!” Taking a swig straight from the bottle I continue lamenting “I can’t do this anymore Andrealphus! I am tired of waiting; he needs to be killed today!”

“Sister, you need to stop thinking so hastily. Think now, not only will you be left with nothing as we discussed before, but where will his death get you? Sure, maybe Via will gift some of the fortune to you, but now you have to consider that imp as an issue. He does seem to run a pretty lucrative killing business and to be fair Stella you are an easy target despite your power.” He stands and walks over to me while putting one of his clawed hands on my shoulder. “With Stolas dead, will this imp want retaliation if they are in fact smitten with one another? Let’s not forget Stolas’ death will not go over smoothly with the rest of the Ars Goetia and there would be heavy scrutiny over his demise. If you want Stolas to truly suffer and watch him break you don’t want to snuff him out. You want him broken as that would be much more satisfying to you, won’t it my dear sister?”

I take a moment to think over his words. On the one hand I just want him to not exist anymore, and to just be gone. Even if it may mean Octavia gets everything, I can potentially persuade her to give me most of the assets. On the other hand, Andrealphus makes a point, Stolas would not suffer by being dead and it would be a short-lived fantasy, and there could be way more issues with a dead Ars Goeita Prince. That would be investigated closely, and I could risk losing everything anyways. “What do you suggest then Andrealphus?” I side eyed my brother while taking another greedy gulp of wine from the bottle.

Andrealphus lips curved up in the most devilish of smirks. “Why don’t we eliminate the imp? Stolas may be just so crushed that his own depression will consume him instead. He may be just so depressed and ridden with anxiety through the ordeal that he won’t even want to bother with the divorce and just sign it all away as he stresses finding his impish lover. It would be a win-win. You get a long-awaited self-destruction of Stolas that can be drawn out, and punish the imp who started it all, and get what you want.”

“That’s—That’s not a bad idea actually.” I fully turn towards my brother with a smile and laugh. “I love it! But we need to make sure Stolas is CRUSHED to the point that he is not even aware that we are manipulating him. We need him so distracted during this divorce from stress and worry over the pathic imp to get him to sign a clause of not retaliating. He loves his paperwork he will go over anything with fine tooth comb and find anything we throw at him, but I also know when he is distracted enough, he may not have his head on all the way to look at those fine details.”

“Very well sister I will get to work on writing up a new counteroffer for Stolas and we will send it over at the most precise moment he is at his lowest. In the meantime, why don’t you call up that other cowboy imp you have on speed dial. I have some ancient Ars Goeita artifacts that I have collected that may help him in his troubles including a concealment from being tracked.” Andrealphus waves me off to make the call as he excuses himself from the room to start on his part of the plan.

Feeling more optimistic than I have since the phone call with the lawyer, I pulled out my phone and dialed that cowboy Wrathian imp.


Lounging at my newest hideaway I lay on a couch lazily throwing darts at a wall covered in multiple photos. There’s one of the bitchy blue blood I worked for, one of her ditzy husband that I almost killed, one of that f*cking sexualized sugar baby jester, one of that stupid Moxxie and his dumbass father, lastly one of Blitz right in the middle of all of them. I threw a dart and it hit the photo of the ritzy Prince right in the eye that I was so close to pulling out as a trophy. If only I could have finished him off last time. f*ck I hated that I had to end that hit. I tossed another and hit the photo of that f*cking jester right in his stomach. I literally had the knife to his neck, f*cking Blitz f*cking winning again. I threw another aiming for Blitz when my phone started buzzing startling me and having the dart land on that bitch instead.

Looking at my phone a groaned. Speak of the f*cking Christ, it’s her. I debated answering. If I answer she is going to want something asinine accomplished and then change her mind at the last minute, but if I don’t answer she probably will keep calling.

“f*cking blue blooded bitch.” I mumble and hit accept. Though it doesn’t mean I have to make this easy for her. “Yeah, what do you want this time? Go kill your ex and then not kill him last minute again?”

To my surprise she did let out a little laugh. “As much as I still want the bastard dead, I can’t have him touched at this time. However, I do have another target for you. I want you to kill his little imp lover. I know you have a history anyways with him so hopefully that won’t be too much trouble?” That was not what I was expecting her to say. Blitz? She wants a hit on Blitz! Well o-f*cking-kay, yeah, been dying to snuff that f*cker’s lights outs and to get paid to do it makes it even better! Before I could even respond she continued. “Of course I will pay well for this. Double the amount of last time, and yes I mean DOUBLE the amount I doubled last time.” My jaw dropped DOUBLED THAT! “Of course there are some conditions.” Ah, there is it I knew it was too good to be true.

“…and what are these conditions? Because honestly, I have been wanting to take a crack at the f*cking guy for a while now and while I was going to turn you down, you have piqued my interest.” She weirdly laughed again.

“Well good glad I have your attention then. The conditions are that I need you to kidnap him and hold him hostage for a few weeks. I need Stolas to be completely distraught looking for him. I don’t care how you toy with Stolas. I just need him to know that his disgusting imp lover is in danger of dying any minute until I get him to sign some paperwork while he is distracted. Once he does sign the paperwork you can off the imp how you see fit.”

I mulled that over. A few weeks dealing with Blitz might be a hell of its own which is saying a lot considering this is hell. Is double the pay worth it and can I keep him hidden without being tracked by the other blue blood? “A few weeks? I don’t know Mam that is a lot of work even for that money with that particular imp. Also, what if your ex finds a way to track him? That’s a straight up death sentence. Also, he knows you hired me last time he could suspect we are in cahoots again.”

Stella let out a huge sigh. “Fine triple the amount, some new toys for the job, and I do have a way to conceal you.” Damn she really wants him dead. “Also considering you have a history you can make it personal to you and not hint at it being related to myself or Stolas. I know your kind is stupid, but you seem to be at least a little more competent to keep up that charade, are you not?”

I hissed and my tail rattled at that comment but decided to bite my tongue. “Yeah, I guess I can make this more personal and help with directing some of the heat from being connected to you. Fine. You have yourself a deal.”

“Good.” Just like that she hung up.


Moneymakerz Bank: Money Transfer Alert

I whistled as I checked the app alert. Damn she already sent ⅔ of the money with the promise of the other ⅓ on completion.


Blue Blood c*nt: Weapons will be available for pick up tonight and I want him taken tomorrow after their full moon monthly activates so Stolas does not go looking for him due to his lack of showing up. If you need anything else in this venture let me know, it will be fully funded.

f*ck she is really not f*cking around this time. Alight guess it is time to get planning. I grabbed one final dart after pocketing my phone and tossed it at the photos. I smiled as it hit a bullseye, landing directly on the heart/skull signa located on the forehead of the very imp he was just hired to kill.

*The Next Evening*


I sit in the shower back in my apartment as water cascades down my body. The water long turned cold awhile ago, but I continued to sit in my own misery. I just curled in tighter on myself and continued to let the tears keep falling. What the actual f*ck just happened tonight? The f*ck does he mean he loves me? Correction he loved me. How did this happen? When did this happen? Do I love him too? Yes? No? Maybe? No, it’s a yes, I just don’t know when it started. This all happened way too fast. It was just supposed to be transactional when did things change? How could he even have those feelings? I am nothing! I am just a plague, not even Loona likes me enough. My own family doesn’t even want me around those that are still alive. I mean Fizz and I have only just reconnected and that is not even perfect.

I just cried harder and started running my claws down my arms to just feel something other than the gripping pain in my heart tearing in two for somehow f*cking things up again. I can’t seem to stop f*cking things up. Why do I always f*ck things up and hurt the people I care most about? How did this day go so horribly?! I was so excited to see him, even if I pulled out of the last few meetings. But he was healing, and I didn’t want to look at those bandages and know I once again failed. Failed to protect someone that could get hurt. He is an Ars Goetia Prince I didn’t even know they could get hurt! I mean I know blessed weapons, but he is so powerful I didn’t think he could be overpowered like that, not after seeing his eldritch form.

I truly tried to put so much effort into tonight to make it perfect to somehow make it up to him. Why did I do that? f*ck, I do care about him…a lot. I just cried harder, because I didn’t even know what to think or how to process all of this. That thought struck me. Why the f*ck am I feeling sorry? He didn’t even give me a chance to process this! How the f*ck can he just throw that bombshell on me and then portal me away?! I know I don’t communicate well, but I didn’t even get a chance to understand what happened. I still don’t even understand my f*cking feelings! You know f*ck Stolas, f*ck him and his rich ass self for pushing me aside!

I finally stood up not wanting to feel sorry for myself anymore at this moment, because now I am kind of pissed off. Turning off the cold water, I stepped out onto the bathmat and wrapped a towel around my waist. I checked my phone stupidly hoping he messaged me despite being annoyed with him. One text message from Fizz.

Fizz: How did it go? Did he enjoy the Dragon Driller 500?

Feeling sick to my stomach about how the night progressed, I just exited out of the conversation and walked out of the room. Clothes that I wore out for tonight were thrown on the ground in front of the couch. My stomach turned when I saw my discarded gloves with the new crystal laid into the one. I turned away and went to grab a new pair of underwear to toss on and processed to walk to the fridge to grab some beer. Checking my phone once more mournfully hoping for a text from Stolas maybe wanting to talk, but just feeling worse when there were no new messages. I then reached into the fridge to pull out a beer and as I went to close the fridge and crack open the can I felt a sudden force on the back of my head. My forehead was then rammed into the fridge completely disorientating me for a moment while spots danced in my eyes. “What the f*ck?!”

My vision was blurry, and I realized I dropped the can and my phone and went to reach for my gun, realizing that of course I was still in just my underwear. I tried to turn around to see who attacked me but was met with a fist to the face and instantly felt blood piss out of my nose. “Aw f*ck no you mother f*cking co*ck sucker!” Finally getting some of my vision to come back and throwing arms up defensively I was able to finally make out that f*cking cowboy asshole. “You f*cking tiny dick prick! Who attacks someone from behind you sh*t for brains?!” I screamed, trying to get a punch of my own in, but was extremely disadvantage with no weapons and my vision still blurring to the point that I swear there were two of them now.

“Someone who is sick of being screwed over by you, you blue blood f*cker!” I spun out of the way from an incoming blurry fist causing it to just miss me. Turning towards the living room to get away from my attacker, I stumbled on the beer can I dropped. I heard Striker following me. I tried to get to the couch to put distance between us and look for my gun or really anything I can use against Striker. I jumped over the back and started rifling through the clothes on the ground. It wasn’t there, and then a flash of a memory as I remembered that I hung up my bloody coat at work which had my gun still in it, f*ck my little red hole this isn’t good. I didn’t think I was going to need it tonight. My vision continues to blur when I try to look for my hidden one under the side table next to the couch. f*ck I think I may have a concussion. I went to reach for the spare I had but it wasn’t there.

“Looking for this? I did a sweep of your place while you cried like a little bitch in the shower.” I peeked my head up to see him standing behind the couch staring down at me while he twirled my spare before unloading the bullets. He dropped my piece and reached into his coat and pulled out his own pistol that was clearly blessed. He then aims it at my head and shoots before I can even give a retort. It just barely missed my head as I ducked for cover back towards the bathroom trying to recover from this ambush. I felt a sting in my left shoulder. I took a quick look; it seemed like it went clean through. “Ha you missed my face!” Why the f*ck do I keep goading him?

I quickly crawled along the floor towards the bathroom and tried to look for anything that can help. The crystal! If I can just escape for a second to get my bearings and regroup! Yeah, that’s a good plan. I go to reach for the glove just as Striker walks around the couch and separates me from the glove. He steps his one boot directly onto my left hand, the one that was reaching for the glove. “Wasn’t meant to kill you right away, just to slow you down. I figured you would have been quick enough being an assassin and all of that.” He said those words has he grinded his foot down into my hand and I just hissed in response.

f*ck I needed to get to that glove and distract him. “Ohhhhh yeah daddy likes it rough!” He growled at those words and at the same time I tried to use my tail to move his boot off of my hand and lunge for the glove at the same time with my other hand, but instead I accidentally pulled him on top of myself. f*cking vision still swimming as I groaned at the weight on me. I tried to recover quickly, but the glove was still just out of my grasp as Striker moved around on my back straddling me and grasping the back of my head once more. “Oh, you want to get kinky? Have to say I am not excitedly in the mood tonight.” I guess I just don’t know when to shut up tonight because I am clearly just going to keep poking the bear.

He pulled my head further back and breathed into my ear as he spoke. “Nice try trying to throw me off with your sexual tactics boss man, but I also know you didn’t get laid tonight and your blue blood broke up with you. No one is going to be coming for you, will they?” That made me freeze for a second. Slightly remembering a comment, he made about me crying in the bathroom. How f*cking long has he been following me tonight? Before I could even mock him stalking me, he started repeatedly banging my head against the floor and I swear my nose was broken and I definitely had a concussion at this point. My last thought was that Striker was right no one would come looking for me, and when Loona comes home whenever she does from wherever she is there will probably be just my cold lifeless body left. At least I won’t hurt anyone else anymore. With that final thought everything went black.


Tears streaked my face as laid under the tree in the garden where Blitz and I once sat under as children. Did he always think so little of me? Have I really given him much reason to think otherwise? I think back to Ozzie’s and those words rang around my head again don’t act like what we have is anything but you wanting me to f*ck you. No, I tried to tell him tonight I wanted more. He mocked my confession. But maybe I shouldn’t have sent him away. I did say I wanted to listen to what he had to say and not listen to my inner doubts. I did dismiss him the same way he claimed I do my servants though didn’t I? But he also apparently has his mind made up with thinking so lowly of me. Satan maybe I should have faced him better. I just couldn’t bear hearing him mock me more though. It felt very similar to Stella’s mockery. Maybe I should message him, maybe he already messaged. No that is silly he hates me. He always did. He never loved me the way I loved him.

I finally stood up after what felt like hours of sitting under the tree and started to stalk towards the palace. I needed a drink. I went into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of absinthe from the liquor cupboard. Unscrewing the cap I tossed the lid into the bin. Walking back up into my room where the disaster took place, I could barely stomach this room anymore. I went up to my vanity to grab my pills. Remembering that I was out I sighed and tossed the container into the bin. I took a large swig instead and turned around. I spotted the bag of sex toys Blitz brought over and my stomach turned, and bile raised in my throat.

This was all a mistake. I took another swig of the green liquid downing nearly the rest of the bottle to make it work faster. I should return his things. Maybe leave them outside his door. He won’t want to see me. But I want to see him. I mentally waved away those thoughts, and with the liquid courage running through my veins I grabbed the sack and proceeded to toss more of Blitz things in there. Clothing that he had left here or clothes that I bought for him. Horse drawings, horse plushies, weapons, and honestly just anything that was his or even things that reminded me of him that held a painful memory I just shoved into the sack. I quickly wrote down a note on a piece of paper and opened a portal outside his door. I left the bag and letter on top of it, and before I decided against this plan, I knocked on the door and stepped back through portal and left this part of my life behind for good.


“Those f*cking cherub twats!” I whimpered as I held my right shoulder from the shooting pain despite it having been cleaned and bandaged hanging in a sling. Moxxie, Millie, and I were back to I.M.P. where we bandaged up our wounds from the fight with the first aid kit we had in the office.

“Right? Good thing we decided to medal in on Blitz for once. That could have gone way worse.” Moxxie voiced as he started throwing the bloody wipes, bandages, and wrappers away in the trash.

“Absolutely and hopefully the rest of B’s night went well. Shame we couldn’t catch back up to him.” Millie followed up as she finished bandaging up her right thigh. I made a face at that as I absolutely was planning on heading out after Blitz got to Stolas’ house. I did not need to see that.

“Yeah well, I do think we need to let him know about this, because this could be an issue in the future. How the hell did they get this kind of technology?” I picked up the device I snagged off of them and turned it over in my one hand. “They opened a portal with this, do you think we can use it to track them down?” I questioned the married couple. A heaviness hung in the air as everyone contemplated that.

“Also those suits! Where did they come from?” Moxxie questioned back picking up a piece of the suit that we recovered.

“And we can discuss this all later with B, but let him enjoy his night tonight, and let us regroup.” Millie spoke as she placed the first aid kit away. I sighed as I realized she was right. He was so excited for tonight. I know I was messing with him earlier, but I had never seen him get so dressed up for one of their full moons. Those idiots care so much about each other, but Blitz is such an idiot I just know he is going to mess this up eventually.

“Alright, but we need to look into this before we take on too many more cases.” I pocked the device into my back pocket. I did not want to take a chance of losing it, or them coming back to get it if they were able to. I then reached into my front pocket for my phone to check the time. “On that note I am going to head home. I had enough excitement for tonight and I have a date with some painkillers. Do you guys need a ride home?” I looked over at the two waiting for an answer.

“No, we are going to clean up some around here, and grab a bite to eat. We will see you tomorrow, go get some rest.” Millie dismissed me as she continued to help Moxxie put away the robotic suits into Blitz’s office.

“Alright, be safe.” I turned away and walked out of the office knowing that they would lock up when they were ready to leave.

Getting into the van to drive home was semi difficult having the bum arm at the moment, but it was manageable. The drive home was quiet as I thought of the last few hours, and I was hoping Blitz didn’t mess anything up after we lost him. Also, what we may have to do to deal with those f*ckers. What was up with those suits and that device? If they were kicked out of heaven no way can that device lead there, but where does it lead to?

Pulling into the parking lot of our apartment and turning the engine off, I pulled out the device and looked it over. Clicking a few buttons, I noticed it had a menu. Like options clearly labeled portal, one for tracking, and a bunch of other selections to make. Okay so some how they can portal and track with this interesting. Do they have more of these or is this the only device they have? Ugh this is frustrating knowing that I wasn’t going to get any real answer at the moment, so I just shoved it back into my pocket and exited the van.

Entering into the building I took the elevator up to our floor and I noticed a large sack outside our door. One that suspiciously looked like the one Blitz was carrying earlier. Curiously I walked towards the bag. I noticed a note on top that simply said Sorry – Stolas, f*ck that’s not good. I unlocked the door and pushed the door in and then bent down to grab the bag with my good hand.

I proceeded to walk into the apartment and slammed the front door so Blitz could hear it. “What the f*ck have you done?! Did you f*ck this up?! I just knew you couldn’t handle this! You blew him off too much didn’t you?!” I walked further into the apartment as I tried to search for him. When I swung my head towards the kitchen I faltered in my steps. Blood was splattered all over the fridge and droplets were found on the ground. I also saw a crushed beer can and what looked like beer all around the floor. What the f*ck?

“Blitz? What the f*ck is going on? Are you here?” I started walking further into the apartment still clutching the bag in one hand. “Blitz where are you?” I got to the living room and my jaw dropped as did the bag that I was carrying. The living room was a mess. The clothes Blitz was wearing earlier scattered around the living room. I saw an orangish glint in the corner of my eye but was completely overwhelmed by the mass amounts of blood that pooled in the middle of the floor. Something was not right. My hackles were raised, and I growled low.

I started running through the house flinging the few doors in the place open. I even looked in my own room just hoping to find Blitz anywhere in the apartment. I needed to know he was okay. Panic surged through my body. I tried to sniff for him and locate him or any other smell really. I could only smell his blood, but that seemed to not go far beyond the building with no tentative trail. How is that possible? What if the Cherubs got to him? What if they came back to finish him off? Wait, I remembered the device and pulled it out, they were tracking him! I pulled it out and tried to pull up the tracking part, it just read back saying tracking signal lost. I whined a bit more and put it back into my pocket. “f*ck.”

I proceeded to try searching around again in the bathroom despite knowing he was not there. However, this time I noted that there was no blood in there to suggest that he may have tried to fix himself up. I pulled my phone out to try and call him, maybe he went to the hospital? I immediately heard his phone go off and tracked it into the kitchen. It was sticking out partway under the fridge. I felt a wetness on my cheeks, and I realized I was actually crying for the man who adopted me. I know I wasn’t great and sometimes a downright bitch, but I really can’t lose the only person who has actually cared about me.

Whatever the f*ck happened here, the only person that can possibly know something is Stolas as I thought back to that note. Whatever happened he was probably the last person to have seen him. I quickly grabbed Blitz’s phone and scrolled through his contacts and found Stolas number and dialed it. It rang for a few minutes and went to voicemail. A text came through almost immediately from him.

Stols: I think it’s best we take some time and go no contact for a bit.

sh*t, this is not good. I grabbed my phone and dialed it thinking maybe he will answer from mine. It also went unanswered. That was stupid, he probably didn’t have my number and wouldn’t answer my call. I grabbed Blitz’s phone again and texted out, This isn’t Blitz, it’s Loona. I tried calling you from his and my phone. He is missing. I can’t find him and there is so much blood everywhere. I found your note and I think you may have been the last person to see him, please call me.

It took two seconds before my phone was going off and I quickly answered it and put it to my ear. “Loona, honey, what do you mean Blitz is missing?” I can hear a crack in his voice and the concern in him. Whatever happened he clearly cares about Blitz.

“Look I don’t know what dumb sh*t happened between you two, but I just got home. There is blood in the kitchen, all over the living room and his clothes are scattered. His phone was under the fridge and there looks like there could have been a struggle. To be honest Moxxie, Millie, and I followed Blitz while he shopped for things today for your full moon activities to make sure he didn’t f*ck up your guy’s deal. We came across a bunch of cherubs that we had beef with in the past. They were following Blitz and were planning on attacking him to off him. We stopped them, but he is unaware of their visit. We figured once he was with you, he would be fine especially since we managed to get the device they used to portal here, but what if they had another device to portal and track him with? This one already seems disabled for tracking.” I know I must have been rambling and I can feel more of those hot tears now fully coming down my cheeks, but I am now beyond panicking as I spoke it all out loud.

A moment of silence on the phone and I thought sh*t did I lose him? Did I even make sense, was that just all word vomit? Then I heard a little sniffle. “Can I come over and take a look around?”

“Yes, hurry.” I hung up the phone and waited for him to materialize. A few seconds later a portal opened, and Stolas walked through. He looked a little worse than anticipated and I noticed as he walked through the portal he tripped a bit. I could smell the booze off of him. Great, he’s drunk off his ass. He stumbled around the couch and fell to his knees when he spotted the blood, he just full on started crying. f*ck he was going to be absolutely no damn help. I took a step away and quickly sent a group text to Millie and Moxxie. I know it’s been a long day, but we have a problem. Come to our house, Blitz is gone and there is blood everywhere. I am worried the cherubs got him. Stolas is here hammered and crying. I don’t know what to do.

I didn’t even bother looking at my phone for a response, I knew they would be on their way. Instead, I went to the kitchen, grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. I took the glass to Stolas who was still sobbing and saying unintelligible things while he clutched one of Blitz’s gloves that I only now realized had a new attachment to it, was that an Asmodean crystal? sh*t what the f*ck happened tonight? I tapped on his shoulder and with an annoyed sigh I handed it to him. “Sober up, you are f*cking useless to us like this.” He took the glass and with a slight nod of acknowledgment of my words started drinking the water. I proceeded to just leave the apartment and try to sniff out the furthest I could for a trail of Blitz while I waited for Moxxie and Millie to get here, just trying to feel as useful as possible in this dire situation.

Seraphic Threads of Fate - Chapter 1 - TemptressOfTheBlueAbyss (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.