The Jersey Journal from Jersey City, New Jersey (2024)

The Jersey Journal Thursday, May 9, 2002 OBITUARIES Doris Janowitz Thomas Conti Alfonso Prisco Florence Goldberg Willie Smith Officer Services for Doris (Ross) Jan- Mass for Alfonso A. Prisco, 85, Services for Florence Gold- Services for Willie R. Smith, be at 1 p.m. today at Mount Mori- ti, ,59, of Lakehurst, will be from 7 tomorrow at St. Joseph of the Pal- a.m.

tomorrow at Bernhiem, Apt- a.m. Saturday at Monumental owitz, 86, of North Plainfield, will Visitation for Thomas F. Con- of North Bergen, will be at 10 a.m. berg, 84, of Clark, will be at 9:30 80, of Jersey City, will be at 9:30 testifies in ah Chapel, Fairview. She died at to 9 p.m.

today at DeGraff Lake- isades Church, West New York. er Kreitzman Suburban Chap- Baptist Church, Jersey City. He home Janowitz was born in England hurst Funeral Home, Lakehurst. He pital, died Jersey yesterday City. at Christ Hos- at el, Clark Livingston.

Nursing She Home died and yesterday Reha- died Jersey Sunday City. at Christ Hospital, Skakel and lived in before He died Tuesday at Bally's Total bilitation, Clark. Smith born in Buford, qIq Jersey City Prisco was born in Union City was Brick. Conti was born in and moved to North Bergen 11 Goldberg was born in Jersey S.C. By John Christoffersen 9d! moving to North Plainfield 10 Fitness, 101 years ago.

Bayonne and moved to Lakehurst years ago. City. He worked for Standard Chlo- Associated Press writer PW She was a homemaker. 30 years ago. He was a dye worker until he She was a clerk accountant for rine Chemical Company, Kearny, NORWALK, Conn.

A regai Surviving are her husband, retired. New Jersey Central Railroad be- for 37 years before retiring in tired police chief testified yesterAbraham; two daughters, Brenda He owned T.C. TV, Lakehurst, He Army veteran, fore she retired. 1987. day that he unsuccessfully was an out Babbio and Audrey Jensen; and for 28 years.

serving in World War II. He Surviving are one brother, Al- He was a member of Monu- sought an arrest warrant for the three grandchildren. He was a Lakehurst Little fought in the Battle of the Bulge vin; two nephews, Henry and Bar- mental Baptist Church. older brother of Kennedy cousin do Wien Wien Memorial Chap- in 1945. ry Soloway; and several great- Michael Skakel in the 1975 murels, Union City, is in charge.

League coach for five years, and a nieces and great-nephews. was an Army der of a 15-year-old girl. 142 Smith veteran, member of the Toms River Um- Surviving are wife, earning the rank of and Thomas Keegan, retired from his Emilia private while Emma Killingsworth pire Association. He also studied (DeTommaso); Sofranko serving in central Europe the Greenwich force, said and three sisters, Frances Canzano, Lena Marino Andrew northern France during World in he jujitsu at John Frederick's and Margaret Balsamo. War II.

He received the European- presented an affidavit 1976 to, Services for Emma Killings- Toms for Vainieri Funeral Home, Mass for Andrew C. Sofranko African-Middle Eastern Service the prosecutor's office seeking worth, 84, of Jersey City, will be School, River, many of Toms River, will be at the arrest of Thomas Skakel at 11 a.m. tomorrow at Watson years, earning his first-degree North Bergen, is in charge. 9:30 87, a.m. Saturday at Assumption Conduct Victory Medal for Medal his and service.

Good murder charges in the beating, Mortuary Service, Jersey City. black belt. Church, Bayonne. He died Tues- death of Martha Moxley. She died at home Saturday.

Antoni Bilicki East Surviving are his wife, Ro- Prosecutors rejected the reConti was a parishioner of St. day Lyons Hospital, sena (Singleton); one brother, Pri- quest, saying there was not 16 at Killingsworth was Mass for Antoni Bilicki, 87, a Orange. born in South Carolina. John's Church, Lakehurst. mus; two grandchildren, Darnell enough evidence to establish 12 She was a seamstress.

lifelong resident of Bayonne, will Sofranko was born in Bay- and Clarence Alston; and three probable cause, said Keegan, 10t Surviving are six grand- Surviving are his wife, Cath- be at 10 a.m. tomorrow at Our onne where he lived most of his great-grandchildren. who was a police captain at the' daughters, Regina Jackson, Er- erine (Farrell); two sons, Richard Lady of Mount Carmel Church, life before moving Jackson Funeral Residence, time. 190 to Ocean Counnestine Muhammad, Cheryl Led- T. and Thomas F.

II; one daugh- Bayonne. He died yesterday at Jersey City, is in charge. Moxley was ty. beaten to death is Michele Headen, Emma ter, Kathleen Conti DeFeis; his Bayonne Medical Center. He was a special representa- with a golf on 30, club Oct.

1975.3H tive for Colonial Life Insurance Michael Skakel was also better, Headen grandson, and Curtis Lauren Headen; Jones; one 23 mother, Anna and five grand- Store He for owned over 40 Bilicki's years before Grocery re- Newark and East Orange, un- Kevyn Aucoin, 15 at the time. Thomas Skakel was 17. The 19 and 14 great- children. tiring in 1983. til he retired in 1970.

brothers are nephews of Robert great-grandchildren; member and F. Kennedy's widow, Ethel. great-grandchildren. Surviving are one daughter, He was a life past 40, makeup Now 41, Michael Skakel Donald Hannigan Genevieve Leshik; and one grand- commander of Disabled Ameri- indicted in January 2000. If con- was '5 Stanley Jamroz son, John.

can where he Veterans served Chapter for a 5, total Bayonne, of 57 artist to stars victed, he could face life in prisMass for Donald O. Hannigan, William Kohoot Funeral years. on. Services for Stanley T. Jam- Home, Bayonne, is in charge.

Defense attorney Michael roz, 43, of Harrison, will be at 10 70, of Allentown, will be at Sofranko was an Army veter- YORK Kevyn Sherman asked Keegan if he bea.m. today at Mulligan Funeral 9:30 a.m. Saturday at St. Joseph's Ferraro an, serving in North Africa and lieved there was enough eviNEW (AP) Home, Harrison. He died Satur- Church, Jersey City.

He died at Italy during World War II. He re- Aucoin, the master makeup dence to charge Thomas Skakel Mary artday at Ancora Hospital, Hamil- Mass for R. ceived battle stars and a Purple ist whose clients included fa- with the crime. ton. Monday.

Ferraro, 86, of North Bergen, will Heart while in the service. mous faces from Cindy Crawford "You wouldn't just sign (the home Mary (Romano) Jamroz was born in Newark Hannigan was born in Jersey St. Roc- Surviving are his wife, to Britney Spears, died Tuesday. warrant) willy-nilly?" Sherman and lived in Harrison most of his and lived there before She died Frances (Yourie); one son, An- asked. be at 10 a.m.

Saturday at life. Church, City. drew three grandchildren, Jes- He was 40. "It would not be a frivolous City mov- co's Union Surviving are his father, Ju- ing to Allentown five years ago. Center, Tuesday North sica, Andrew and Lisa; and one Aucoin died from complica- thing," Keegan responded.

at Palisades Medical lian; one brother, Julian II; three He was a machine operator for Bergen. great-grandson, Joshua. tions of a metabolic disorder, his Thomas Skakel was an early sisters, Judy Jamroz, Eileen for 25 Ferraro was born in Fairview Migliaccio Funeral Home, friend Engelman said. focus of the investigation, along Corblies and Roberta Fusaro; Colgate, Jersey City, years and lived in North Bergen most of Marcy with Kenneth Littleton, a tutor at four nephews; and one niece. until he retired 15 years ago.

her life. He had been treated for a pi- the Skakel home. Authorities are Bayonne, is in charge. She was a postal worker for tuitary brain tumor in the past basing the case against Michael He was an Army veteran, Robert O'Donnell serving in the Korean War. the North Bergen Post Office un- Joan Polack year, she said.

Skakel made on admissions after the he murder. allegedtil she retired. ly years Mass for Robert O'Donnell, 62, Surviving are one son, Brien; She was a member of the Cath- Services for Joan (Kubinski) Aucoin, born in Shreveport, Keegan said he never applied a lifelong resident of Jersey City, olic Daughters of America. Polack, 66, of Morganville, had a lifelong love of make- for an arrest warrant for Little- :4 will be will be at 9:30 tomorrow at one daughter, Arlene Celenza; at 10 a.m. Saturday at St.

Ga- ton and had no idea what has a.m. one sister, Jean Spamburgh; six Surviving are one son, Pat- briel's Church, Marlboro. She up. St. Joseph's Church, Jersey City.

five sis- happened investigation, in the and one great- one died yesterday at the Center of During his youth, Aucoin since he retired in 1986. CHI rick; brother, George; He died at home Tuesday. ters, Dolly Ferrante, Connie Cacgrandchildren; Hospice Care at Monmouth Medi- would rip out photos from mag- The testimony was allowed O'Donnell was an operating grandchild. ciopoli, Rose Ivin, Jessie Huss cal Center, Long Branch. azines and to replicate the over the objections of Prosecutor engineer for Tetley Tea, Palisades Fallon Funeral Home, Jersey and Anne Maresca; one grandson, Polack born in try Jonathan Benedict, who said Park, for 38 years before he re- is in Patrick Anthony; and one great- and lived in Bayonne before models' makeup on his sisters.

prosecutors have filed a motion was Jersey tired four years ago. City, charge. Heather Louise. City seeking to limit the ability of the, 16 granddaughter, moving to Morganville 13 years He moved to New York in Surviving are one son, Sean; Vainieri Funeral Home, 1983 and made models for defense to suggest a third party one daughter, Colleen O'Donnell Michael Brown North Bergen, is in charge. ago.

up committed the murder. Vassallo; his father, Michael; one Most recently, she was a sales free, looking for his break. Benedict downplayed the brother, Michael; one sister, Pat- associate for Dress Barn, Mat- came eight months later, warrant request. He said it 5 ricia Black; and three grandchil- Mass for Michael J. Brown, 79, Annette Malaquias awan.

Previously, she worked for ply indicated that at some point w9 dren. of Bayonne, will be at 9:30 a.m. to- J.C. Penney at the Freehold Race- when Vogue magazine at least one police officer thought booked Mass for Annette (Ligregni) Mall. him to work on a shoot of Meg Fallon Funeral Home, Jersey morrow at St.

Mary's Star of the way there was evidence against City, is in charge. Malaquias, 61, a lifelong resident Before moving to Morgan- Tilly being photographed by Thomas Skakel, who was the last Bayonne. of Jersey City, will be at 9:30 a.m. Polack active in Our Meisel. He did his first seen with Moxley.

inC Sea Church, He died Martha Dingler Tuesday at Bayonne Medical Cen- Saturday at Holy Rosary Church, Lady of Mount Carmel Church, cover in 1986, working with Rich- Also yesterday, jurors passed ville, was Stephen person Jersey City. She died Tuesday at and worked with its around a shoe that Moxley was rot ter. Lea Health Care Bayonne, Services Martha (Deunert) Bey Center, Scout Avedon. wearing the night of the murder. ard for Brown was born in Jersey Toms River.

Boy troop. Dingler, 86, of Jersey City, will be She enjoyed traveling and so- Aucoin worked on A-list ce- The word "Tom" was written on 19 at 10 a.m. tomorrow at St. Paul's City and lived most of his life in Malaquias was employed by cializing with her friends. She lebrities including Janet Jack- the shoe.

Lutheran Church, Jersey City. Bayonne. the City of Jersey City since 1989. also enjoyed quilting, and was a son, Sharon Stone, Madonna, "That name was present She was a former Eucharistic member of the Molly Pitcher when the shoe was taken from She died Tuesday at Christ Hospi- He was a plant maintenance and Julia Roberts. member of the Seekers Quilting Guild.

the victim," Keegan testified. tal, Jersey City. worker for Caschem, Bayonne, did Paltrow's The case went unsolved for minister, Dingler was born in Kitten- and member of the Rosary Socie- Surviving are her husband, He Gwyneth leading to suspicions that in Jersey City the last 45 years. Jersey City. Judith emy Award and for a cover shot dy connection had somehow 10 leng Treben, Germany, and lived for 32 years before he retired.

ty at Our Lady of Mercy Church, George; two sons, Jeff and Eric; makeup when she won her Acad- wealth, privilege and the Kenneyears, She was a homemaker. He was an Army veteran, Vin- 209 one daughter, Nelson; her proSurviving are one son, mother, Pauline; one brother, on the March issue of Vogue. tected Skakel. daughter, serving in World War II. cent; one daughter, Elaina; her Leonard; one sister, Theresa Ku- Martha's body was discov- Surviving are one Edith Duane; one brother, Fritz; Surviving is one son, Michael mother, Helen; one sister, Cam- binski; two grandchildren, Neil Aucoin was the author of ered beneath a tree on the fami-63 and one sister, Hildgard Gehring- ille Santopietro; and five grand- and Audrey Nelson; and three books, "Face Forward," ly's Greenwich property.

She had 191 J. III. many er. children. nieces and nephews.

"Making Faces" and "The Art of been beaten with a golf club that Mack Memorial Home, Secau- G. Keenen O'Brien Funeral Greenville Memorial Home, Makeup" and had recently investigators matched to a set in cus, is in charge. Home, Bayonne, is in charge. Jersey City, is in charge. Waitt-Nelms Funeral Home, the Skakel Morganville, is in charge.

started his own product line. household. 0 IN LOVING MEMORY OF Edward Lemke A WONDERFUL HUSBAND, FATHER, AND GRANDFATHER BORN: APRIL 20, 1919 DIED: MAY 9, 1997 HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY IN HEAVEN Treasured thoughts of a Husband, Father, and Grandfather so dear, often bring a silent tear. Thoughts return to scenes long past and time speeds on, but memories last. Happy memories bring comfort and peace to all you left behind.

DEARLY LOVED AND SORROWFULLY MISSED. Your Loving Wife, GLORIA, Children, EDDIE, LAURA SANDRA, Daughter-in-law MARIAN, Sons-in-law, DAN JOE and your EIGHT GRANDCHILDREN DEATH NOTICES ASTERITA, JOSEPH LOUIS, of Palisades Park on Sunday May 5, 2002, the day he would have celebrated his 56th Wedding Anniversary with his beloved wife Frances (nee: Altobello), Dear brother-in-law to Yolanda De Fiore, Loving uncle to his six cherished nieces one nephew. They were amongst his greatest joys! Funeral from A.K.MACAGNA FUNERAL HOME, 495 Anderson Avenue, Cliffside Park, NJ on Friday May 10th at 10:15 am. Thence to St. Nicholas R.C.

Church, Palisades Park, where the funeral Mass will be offered at 11:00 am. Interment, George Washington Mem. Pk. Visiting hrs Wed. 7-9 PM Thurs.

2-4 7-9 BILICKI, ANTONI, of Bayonne on Wednesday May 8, 2002. Beloved husband of the late Genevieve (nee: Stelmaszczyk), Devoted father of Genevieve her husband John Leshik, Dear brother of Phil Killeen, Ceil Burakiewicz, Henry, and the late Jospeh Edward Bilicki, Cherished grandfather of John his wife Janina Leshik. Funeral from WILLIAM KOHOOT FUNERAL HOME, 86 West 14th Bayonne on Friday May 10th. Funeral Mass, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, 10 AM.

Interment, Holy Nome Jersey City. Visitation Thur. 2-4 7-9 M. PLEASE OMIT FLOWERS. To place a memoriam for the following day, please call before 3 pm.

BISHOP, On Wednesday, May 1, 2002, THERESA of Jersey City. Devoted sister of Shirley Bishop Green of Georgia, Blanche Bishop Harrison of Alabama and Charles Bishop of New Jersey. She is also survived by nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held privately. Entombment, Fairmount Cemetery, Newark, New Jersey.

Arrangements By: WOODY, "HOME FOR SERVICES, "Orange, NJ. BROWN, MICHAEL on Tuesday, May 7, 2002, of Bayonne. Beloved husband of the late Naomi (nee: McCaffrey), Devoted father of Michael J. Brown, ill, Loving brother of the late Elmer Brown, Dear brother-in-law of Evelyn Brown, Rose Serpi and Ann VonSchaumburg. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral from the G.

KEENEN O'BRIEN FUNERAL HOME, 984 Avenue (at 47th St), Bayonne on Friday, May 10. Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St. Mary, Star of the Sea R.C. Church, Bayonne at 9:30 am. Entombment to follow, Holy Cross Chapel Mausoleum, North Arlington, NJ.

IN LIEU OF FLOWERS, donotions in his memory may be made to: The Kidney Fund or The American Heart both envelopes available at the Funeral Home. Family will receive their friends on Thursday 2-4 7-9 Look for The Jersey Journal's Religion Page every Friday DANCISIN, EMMA (nee: Menzel) of Bayonne on Monday Beloved wife of the late Michael Dancisin, Loving mother of Elaine Laurino, Mother-in-law of Ronald Laurino, Cherished grandmother of Darren Laurino and Dana Patterson, Sister of Robert and Fred Menzel. The family will receive their friends on THURSDAY ONLY from 2-6 PM at the JEWUSIAK FUNERAL HOME, 34 East 25th Bayonne, NJ. Relatives and friends are requested to assemble at St. Joseph's Church, Ave.

25th St, Bayonne on Friday for a 10 AM Funeral Mass. Interment, Holy Name Cemetery, Jersey City, NJ. THERE WILL BE NO VIEWING AT THE FUNERAL HOME ON FRIDAY MORNING. DINGLER, MARTHA, of Jersey City, on May 7, 2002. Beloved wife of the late Ewald, Devoted mother of Edith Duane, Dear sister of Hildgard Gehringer and Fritz Deunert.

The funeral from the MACK MEMORIAL HOME OF SECAUCUS, 1245 Paterson Plank Road, on Friday at 8:45 am. The funeral service will be offered in Saint Paul Lutheran Church, Jersey City at 10:00 om. Interment at George Washington Memorial Park. VISITATION TODAY 2-4 and 7-9 PM. FERRARO, MARY R.

(nee: Romano) of North Bergen, NJ on Tues. Wife of the late Paul, Devoted mother of Patrick, Grandmother of Patrick Anthony Great-grandmother of Heather Louise, Dear sister of Dolly Ferrante, Connie Cacciopoli, Rose Ivin, Jessie Huss, Anne Maresca, George Romano the late Joseph Lawrence Romano. Funeral on Sat. at 9 am from the VAINIERI FUNERAL HOME, 5923 Kennedy Blvd. (Cor.

of 60th St) North Bergen. Mass of 10 am at St. Rocco Church. Interment, George Washington Cern. Visitation on Thur.

eve. 7-9, Fri. 2-4, 7-9 PM GOLDBERG, FLORENCE, on May 8, 2002, of Clark, NJ (formerly of Jersey City). Dear sister of Alvin Goldberg, Loving aunt of Henry and Cindy Soloway and Barry and Elaine Soloway, Cherished grand-aunt of Alex, Christian, Lauren and L.J. Service Friday 9:30 AM at BERNHIEM, APTER KREITZMAN SUBURBAN CHAPEL, 68 Old Short Hills Road, Livingston, New Jersey.

HANNIGAN, DONALD, on Tuesday, May 7, 2002 of Allentown, PA, (formerly of Jersey City, NJ), Beloved husband of the late Adrienne (nee: Dahlgren) and Father of Arlene Celenza, Brian Hannigan. Also survived by his sister Jean Spamburgh, 6 grandchildren and great-grandchild. Funeral from the FALLON FUNERAL HOME ,157 Bowers St. Jersey City, NJ on Sat. May 11th, 8:30 am.

Funeral Mass at St. Joseph R.C. Church, 9:30 am. Interment, Holy Name Cemetery, JCNJ. Visitation is Thursday and Friday 2-4 7-9 PM.

Funeral Home porking lot on Summit Ave, between Bowers Charles Sts HEALY, BEATRICE, 71, of Hazlet, NJ on Tuesday, May 7, 2002. Beloved wife of the late James P. Healy, Devoted mother of Mary Beth McFadden, Matthew Donnie Healy, Thomas Lynda Healy, James Anne Healy, Robert Jeanene Healy and the late Patricia Healy, Dear sister of Marion Foye-Reilly, James Foye, Rev. Thomas Foye and John Foye, Cherished grandfather of 7, Kayla Healy, Tara McFadden, Connor Healy, Kelsey Healy, Kaitlyn Healy, Patrick Healy and Joseph Healy. Services are Friday 9 AM at DAY FUNERAL HOME, 361 Maple Keyport, NJ, followed by a 10 AM Mass at St.

Benedict's Church, Holmdel. Interment, St. Joseph Cemetery, Keyport. Friends may call Thursday, 2-4 7-9 PM at the funeral home. May 9, 1999 Dearest TYE Happy 3rd Birthday In Heaven We will bless the Lord at all times, We will forever love and miss you.

Love Mom, Dad, Rosette Tyanna, Bruce, Edeana Thomas JANOWITZ, DORIS, of North Plainfield, (formerly of Jersey City) on May 7, 2002. Beloved wife of Abraham Janowitz, Devoted mother of Brenda Babbio and Audrey Jensen, Loving grandmother of Robin Balewitz, Lawrence Babbio and Antonia Babbio. Services Thursday 1:00 pm at Mount Moriah Chapel, Fairview. Arrangements by: "WIEN WIEN," Union City, New Jersey. MALAQUIAS, Annette (LIGREGNI) of Jersey City on May 7, 2002.

Beloved wife of the late Frank Malaquias, Devoted mother of Vincent and Elaina Malaquias, Loving daughter of Helen (Brescia) and the late Vincent Ligregni, Dear sister of Camille Santopietro, Cherished grandmother of Evan, Miranda, Emily, Jessica Jonathan. Funeral Sat. May 11, 2002, 8:30 am from GREENVILLE MEMORIAL HOME, 374 Danforth Ave, Jersey City. Mass at Holy Rosary RCC, 344 Sixth Jersey City, 9:30 am. Then to Holy Cross Cemetery, No.

Arlington. Visiting Thurs. Fri. 2-4 7-9 PM. O'DONNELL, ROBERT, on Tuesday of Jersey City.

Husband of the late Maureen (nee) Lee, Father of Colleen O'Donnell Vassallo, Sean the late Robert Son of Michael, Brother of Michael Patricia Black. Also survived by 3 grandchildren, Jillian, Abbie Paul. Funeral from the FALLON FUNERAL HOME, 157 Bowers St, JCNJ on Friday at 8:30 am. Funeral Mass, St. Joseph R.C.

Church, 9:30 am. Cremation to follow, Garden State Crematory, North Bergen, NJ. IN LIEU OF FLOWERS, KINDLY MAKE DONATIONS TO THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOC. VISITATION HOURS: THURS. ONLY 2-4 7-9 PM.

FUNERAL HOME PARKING LOT ON SUMMIT AVE, BETWEEN BOWERS ST. CHARLES ST. PRISCO, ALFONSO of North Bergen, NJ on Wednesday May 8, 2002. Beloved husband of Emilia (nee: DeTommaso), Dear brother of Frances Canzano, Lena Marino Margaret Balsamo. Also survived by nieces nephews.

Funeral on Friday at 9:00 am from the VAINIERI FUNERAL HOME, 5923 Kennedy Blvd. (Cor. of 60th St) North Bergen. Mass at 10:00 am at St. Joseph of the Palisades Church.

Entombment, Holy Cross Mausoleum. Visitation on Thursday 2-4 7-9 PM. ROMANO, LILLY P. SCHUB, of Glen Ridge, on May 7, 2002. Wife of the late Thomas A.

Romano, Mother of An-1 thony, Francis and Albert Romano and lg the late Thomas A. Romano, Sister of Albert Schub. Also survived by 9 grands children and 2 great-grandchildren. The ed funeral Mass will be celebrated at Holy Name of Jesus Church, E. Orange, on Friday, May 10th at 10:30 am.

Entomb. li ment, Woodbridge Memorial Visiting at the VAN TASSEL CHICKENE. VI FUNERAL HOME, 337 Belleville Bloomfield, Thursday, 2-4 7-9 PM. MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAY BE MADE TO THE AMERICAN RED CROSS, 63 Park Mont- clair, NJ 07042. 9101 SOFRANKO, ANDREW C.

SRAIG2 87 of Toms River (formerly of ur! Bayonne) on May Husband of Frances (Yourie), ther bara, of Brother Andrew of the late John of Sofranko, Bar eri Grandfather of Jessica, Andrew Great-grandfather of Joshua. Also survived by loving nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral from MIGLIACCIO FUSin NERAL HOME, 851 Kennedy Bayonne. on Sat. Funeral Mass, Assumption RC id! Church, 9:30 am.

Cremation, Rosehill Cremato, 0g ry, Linden. Visiting FRIDAY ONLY 2-4, 7-9 PM STRAKA, MARGARET (OKAL), of late onne Andrew. May 6, 2002. Sister Beloved wife of late the 54 Straka, of the Anna Boneski, Mary Quinn, Michael, Joanne Stephen Boneski, Joseph Okal, Dear aunt of Okal, St-gW 0.P., Dr. Gerard Karen Naschak, Judy Connors, Lisa the causki, late Scott Michael Okal, Geraldine Weiman Okal.

Visiting Thursday' May 9, 202, 2-4 7-9 PM at FUNERAL HOME, 857 Kennedy Boy, ad onne. Everyone will meet at St. Joseph's Church, Bayonne on Friday May 10, 2002 for a 9 am 01 Mass. Interment, St. Mary Cemetery, Lodi, NJ.


191 To place a Memoriam Call Grace at 100 963-5100 All memoriams require prepayment 48 hours in 109 advance of publication. 16b.

The Jersey Journal from Jersey City, New Jersey (2024)


Is the Jersey Journal still published? ›

The Jersey Journal is a daily newspaper, published from Monday through Saturday, covering news and events throughout Hudson County, New Jersey.

Why you should move to Jersey City? ›

Considering a move to Jersey City? This diverse New Jersey city offers a variety of job opportunities, unique eateries, robust public transportation, and plenty of local attractions to explore.

Is Jersey City worth it? ›

One of the biggest advantages of living in Jersey City is its close proximity to New York City, offering plenty of things to do. Residents have easy access to the cultural and employment opportunities of the Big Apple, without having to deal with the high living costs and congestion of Manhattan.

What are some famous or key events that have happened in Jersey City? ›

19th century
  • 1802 - Population of Paulus Hook: 13.
  • 1804. ...
  • 1812 - Steam ferry begins operating.
  • 1820 - "City of Jersey" incorporated in Bergen Township.
  • 1824 - Jersey Glass Company established.
  • 1825 - Jersey Porcelain and Earthenware Company incorporated.
  • 1833 - American Pottery Manufacturing Company in business.
  • 1834.

What is the largest newspaper in New Jersey? ›

The Star-Ledger is the largest circulation newspaper in New Jersey.

What was the first newspaper in New Jersey? ›

1912. National Child Labor Committee collection. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. New Jersey didn't have it's own newspaper until Isaac Collins started The New Jersey Gazette in Burlington, NJ in 1777.

What is a good salary to live in Jersey City? ›

Family Budget Calculator For Jersey City, NJ - Is Jersey City Affordable? According to the Economic Policy Institute, it's recommended for a family of four to make $101,568 per year to live comfortably.

What is the best area to live in Jersey City? ›

Best Neighborhoods in Jersey City - 2024 Guide
  • Best Neighborhoods in Jersey City. Downtown Jersey City. ...
  • Downtown Jersey City. Down by the waterfront, you will find the downtown of Jersey City. ...
  • Journal Square. ...
  • Bergen-Lafayette. ...
  • Greenville. ...
  • McGinley Square. ...
  • The Heights. ...
  • Paulus Hook.
Jan 4, 2024

Is it cheaper to live in NYC or Jersey City? ›

Cost of Living Comparison Between Jersey City, NJ and New York, NY. Do you live in Jersey City? Add data for Jersey City, NJ! You would need around 12,427.6$ in New York, NY to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 9,100.0$ in Jersey City, NJ (assuming you rent in both cities).

Where to live in Jersey City without a car? ›

Walk: The most walkable Jersey City neighborhoods are Historic Downtown, Journal Square and McGinley Square. There are many walking paths are near the Hudson River with scenic views of New York City and Ellis Island.

What is crime like in Jersey City? ›

Individual Cities in New Jersey

-Newark: The overall crime rate was 274.32 per 10,000 residents, with a violent crime rate of 73.3 and a property crime rate of 201.02. -Jersey City: The overall crime rate was 222.6, with a violent crime rate of 45.64 and a property crime rate of 176.96.

What is the nickname for Jersey City? ›

Jersey City: 'Chilltown'

"Chilltown" is a nickname that was first given to Jersey City by noted rappers of the 1980s such as Doug E. Fresh, Biz Markie and Grandmaster Flash. These figures found living in Jersey City to be chill and problem-free, which is how the term was coined.

Why is Jersey City not part of NYC? ›

The unresolved dispute would continue until the Treaty of 1834 where New York City formally ceded control of Jersey City to New Jersey. Over that time though, the Jersey Company applied to the New Jersey Legislature to incorporate the Town of Jersey.

What is the oldest town in New Jersey? ›

Rich in history, Jersey City first founded in 1660 by the Dutch and was originally called Netherlands, Hudson, Paulus Hook, or in Dutch, “hoeck” meaning Point of Land. Jersey City is considered to be the oldest city in New Jersey and the birthplace of our nations Religious Freedom and the right to own land.

How often is the press and journal published? ›

Published six days a week, The Press and Journal's circulation area covers Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, Moray, Inverness, and Highlands and Islands. Our aim is to remain local and relevant to our readers with our content, while also including Scottish, national and international news.

WHO publishes NJ com? › is a digital news content provider and website in New Jersey owned by Advance Publications.

Is Atlantic Press a journal? ›

Atlantis Press – now part of Springer Nature – is a professional publisher of scientific, technical & medical (STM) proceedings, journals and books.

Where is the press and journal based? ›

Aberdeen, Scotland


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Article information

Author: Dan Stracke

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Views: 6466

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.