The Yazoo Herald from Yazoo City, Mississippi (2024)

'AGE THREE 1958 THE YAZOO CITY HERALD, YAZOO CITY, MISSISSIPPI SECTION ONE -PAC APRIL 24, Nine To Meet Clinton Arrows OYD JOHNSON will invade Arrow Friday (tomorrow) tilt with fiamond in an important dians AAA night the strong contest. ay team will ral high for Coach opposition team in dis' school game of baseball ch Locally. played last game defeated Morton Warren's effecfans John hitting in and by the Yazooans. timely ings early in the struck Panthers by the host the first and once in for the lead. Warren even batters allowed only four nd eves To Hold Services er Ridge Ridge Baptist church revival services ugh May 2.

preacher will be the Graves, a former resently pastor of the church, near Ty- be under the direcstor, the Rev. Floyd Services will begin at. 7:45, with the exnday when the serIn at 7:30 p. m. There orning services.

The Hially invited to atervice. The public i is to hear the Rev. "Ya200 Baptist Radio Station WAZF 27, at 8:30 a. m. al News ATIENTS Downing, Judge E.

L. Guthrie, E. F. Seabrook, Mrs. W.

psley. ams, Tinsley; L. 0. Hill, B. H.

Anthoklin, W. C. Sudduth. Mrs. A.

B. CampA. Ballard, Paul John Lear, C. W. Dew Mrs.

W. M. hornton; Mrs. C. J.

atonia: Mrs. W. G. P. Woods, Mrs.

D. Holly Bluff. Smith, Mrs. Mabrey onia; W. T.

Hegman Mrs. H. CrowR. W. Crook, Grace mings, Tinsley; W.

A. E. Telton, Holly Wilkinson, J. J. Peas- mings, Tinsley; G.

anton; George Moses, ontgomery. CHARGES nS Mrs. G. W. R.

W. Stevens, BenVeasey, Wendall Mary Alice Williaman Walden, Mrs. J. W. Gober, Mrs.

J. con, Mrs. E. M. C.

Smith, Ronnie Graeber, Cheryl quist, Walton Hig. fartin, Lannis Plumgene Wright, 0. 1 E. Saxton, Pickens; H. Airs.

W. F. Francis, rieman, Thomas E. Irene Blakemore, Summer. James Caston rd, Mrs.

Hays VauMrs. R. A. Me. an; Ted Ewing.

Milner, A. B. WigF. N. omas, Jeanne Marie Scroggins, Torrans, Tinsley.

pertson W. T. Simpson Mrs. Mrs. O.

K. Mrs. Annie Hilder- Sampbblefield, Benton, J. oyce Alexander, BenleGee, Mrs. Charles Gammill.

egory, Martha Hen3. H. H. R. E.

Fisher, Nelson, Miss W. Johnston, Wayne: Benton; chens and Setphens, Loenard laughan. BIRTHS to Mr. and Mrs. April 21.

Crocker and Spent Wednesday daugh- in This was mmond, They came home Kathy's where by there. Mr. Crocker, some to He spend accoma few the been ill for has and home of her st of Mrs. Miller measles. Funeral Services Held At Oil City For Sidney Thomas Funeral services for Sidney E.

Thomas were held April 19 at 3 p.m. from the Oil City Baptist Church. Interment was 1 in Glenwood cemetery. The Rev. J.

W. Carpenter and the Rev. Louis Hastings were the officiating ministers. Hanco*ck Funeral Home of Bentonia had charge of arrangements. Mr.

Thomas passed away April 15 at his residence near Oil City. He was 66 years old. Mr. Thomas was manager of the Barnheart oil lease. Survivors include his wife, the former Florence Cox; a son, Sidney E.

Thomas III; a granddaughter, Sidney Carol Hanco*ck; two brothers, C. H. Thomas of Macon and George 1 W. Thomas of Goodman and three sisters, Mrs. J.

N. Hutchison of Pettit, Miss Mary Thomas of Pettit and Mrs. E. T. Hammack of Quitman.

Pallbearers, H. were Leon Fenton, Hal Logan, No- S. len, Clyde Hutchison and F. F. Hanco*ck.

Speech Clinic To Be Conducted At Southern The annual summer speech clinic sponsored by the Mississippi Society for Crippled Children and Adults will be held from June 9 through June 27 at the Mississippi Southern College. The clinic will provide an opportunity for children with speech problems to receive intensive therapy. Children eight through 17 years of age will be accepted. The fee for therapy, insurance and recreation for the three-week clinic is $25. There is an additional fee of $30 for room and board for those living on the campus.

(The cost has been reduced to the above through the contribution of the Mississippi Society for Crippled Children and Adults). Dormitory accommodations will be available and are included in the room and board charge. Supervisors will be housed with the students. Well balanced meals are available. Swimming, sports, picnies and other activities have been planned.

Clients may be sponsored by parents, individual persons, service and civic clubs or organizations. Forms applications for admission clinic may be sefor, cured locally from Mrs. A. J. Lanoux or directly from the Mississippi Society for Crippled Children and Adults.

Applications will not be received after May 26. GENERAL DOLTON HONORED BY GUARD General Harry J. Dolton of Jackson, a former resident of here, was honored Sunday by officers of the 31st (Dixie) Infantry Division National Guard of" Mississippi and Alabama. He and Mrs. Dolton received a gift of a silver service presented from the officers by Major General A.

J. Paxton of Greenville, commanding general of the division. General Dolton retired recently as Property and Fiscal officer for the National Guard in Mississippi. Mr. and Mrs.

Cobb Gibbs, formerly of here. now of Pascagoula. were guests the past week-end of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gibbs Jr.

Catholics Approve Plans For Addition To St. Clara Approval to build a new gymnasium and auditorium at St. Clara school was given at a general parish meeting held Monday night, reported Father Charles C. Hunter, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church.

The plans include a kitchen and facilities. No financial ar-1 rangements were discussed but those attending talked over many ways to improve the present plans. Father Hunter said the parish membership plans to complete the plans and call for bids as soon as possible. The school will receive bids to sell the remains of the old building which is located on the school lot. Proposals will be received May 3.

PHOENIX James B. Hart Dies Suddenly Of Heart Attack By MRS. C. V. HART James Bertram Hart, age 69, of Akron, Ohio, suffered a fatal heart attack at his home April 18.

Funeral services were held at the Church of Christ Monday at 1:30 p.m. He is survived by his wife, the former Carlotta Hamberlin of Phoenix, a son, James Monroe Hart, a daughter, Mrs. Robert Weaver, two grandchildren, Mrs. Larry Spencer and Bobby Weaver, all of Akron, one brother, C. V.

Hart and two sisters, Mrs. W. H. Hamberlin and Mrs. J.

K. Lacey all of Phoenix. Mr. and Mrs. James Whitaker, Miss Lucile Hart and Mrs.

J. K. Lacy left Friday night to be with them. Hurt In Wreck Mrs. Lena Sanders of Vicksburg was injured in a car wreck near.

Jackson Thursday evening and is in the Baptist Hospital in Jackson. Mrs. Sanders is a daughter of G. R. Terrell of Phoenix and an employee of Mercy Hospital in VicksHer daughter, Mrs.

Earl Pepper, of Louise, is with her. Funeral Services Held Funeral services were held at Hebron Baptist Church, April 10, for George Allen Redditt, age 9, who passed away at a home at Magee. He was a son of Vibret "Son" Redditt of Germania. Interment was at Mt. Olivet Methodist Church at Mechanicsburg.

The Rev. Duke, pastor of Hebron Church, officiated. Mrs. Warrington Dies Funeral services were held at Bentonia Baptist Church at 3 p.m. April 10 for Mrs.

Susie Warrington, with interment at Hebron cemetery at 4 p.m. with the Rev. R. S. Parker, the Rev.

L. Gaddy and the Rev Lee Masters, officiating. Baldwin Funeral Home of Jackson was in charge of arrangements. Relatives from a distance who attended the funeral services for Mrs. Louise Lusk April 14 at Wesley Chapel Church included Mr.

and Mrs. Hall Mayberry and Evelyn Ann of San Antonia, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Bradshaw, Johnny and Mary of Cotton Valley, Mrs. Earl Adco*ck, Evelyn and Margaret Adco*ck of Edwards. Church Services Held Preaching services were held at Wesley Chapel Methodist Church BABY, WEEK April 26 Through May 3 See our Baby Department For All Their Needs Absorbent cotton Brushes for bottles Night lights 000000001 Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Adhesive or oil gift banks Lotion creams face tape boxes water (medicated) bottles -0000 0 Cod Crib style) Fever Dishes Diapers Formula liver sheets for oil thermometers baby (disposable) pitchers (Plastic (standard) rubber) (baby 1 07 0 Scales Safety Safety Rubber Nursing Pacifiers pins and scissors bottles plastic pants Foods for baby (formula) Sterilizers 0 Baby powder Holders for nursing bottles CO Teethers 0 Bags for diapers Birth announcements 0 Nasal aspirators Toys for baby Brushes for infants Nipples Vitamin products MORGAN'S PHARMACY Phone 267 Prescription Druggists MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Phone 2363 F. L. BARIA, Mar.

Your Family Drug Store Sunday at 11 a.m. by the Rev. James Conner secretary of Alcoholic's Anonymous of Jackson, who was introduced by the pastor. the Rev. E.

Binford Smith. Church school was held at 10 a. m. by Mrs. C.

D. Bonney, superintendent and closed with an altar for loved ones familes prayer, Mrs. Louise Lusk and James Bertram Hart, who died in a few days of each other. Visitors included Mr. and Mrs.

Halbert Ray Selby and daughter of Vicksburg, Rodger and George Smith, sons of the pastor, Mrs. Buhby Cargil and Miss Betty Ree Cargil of Yazoo City and Mr. and Mrs. J. V.

Whitaker of Satartia. Mrs. Lee Childress, Miss Ada Childress, Mrs. C. D.

Bonney and Cecile Bonney of Satartia visited in the homes of Mrs. W. H. Hamberlin and C. V.

Hart Sunday afternoon. Others included the V. Mullens and daughter of Vicksburg. Among the 4 members of Satartia school to attend the 4-H Rally in Yazoo City Saturday were Eddie Lee, Bill Martin, Gloria Jean and Carolyn Fay Hampton and Carolyn Hilderbrand. James Hugh Martin and Cecile Bonney were among the choral group from Satartia to go to Vicksburg with Mrs.

Everett, music and voice teacher. Friends of Mrs. Ernest Tait are glad to see her home after treat ment at the King's Daughters Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Tait of Bay St. Louis visited his mother, Mrs. Carrie Tait at the 1 home of the Ernest Taits last week. Mrs. Lena Sanders of Vicksburg, G.

R. Terrell, Mrs. Henry Perkins, Mrs. Leo Cook and Mrs. J.

C. Brown, visited George Fuller last Wednesday at Louise, where he is ill. Enjoy Pot Luck Supper The Oak Grove WMU and Brotherhood sponsored a film shown at the church Saturday evening at 7:30 and followed by a pot luck supper. Among those in Yazoo City last Thursday were Mrs. J.

K. Lacy, Mrs. C. J. White, Mrs.

W. H. Hamberlin, Mr. and Mrs. L.

D. Lee, A. M. Anderson, Mrs. Alvah Anderson and Mrs.

Mattie Sanders. Marion Russell Brown of Vicksburg visited his parents, the J. C. Browns Friday. The Rev.

E. B. Smith and son, George Smith, of Satartia, visited in the homes of Mrs. W. H.

Hamberlin and C. V. Hart Friday. Week-end Guests Misses Ethel and Irene Cook of Vicksburg were week- end guests of Benton School Banquet To Have 300 In Attendance Around 300 persons are expected to attend the annual Benton Appreciation Banquet, Tuesday, April 29 at 7:30 p.m. According to Bob Wheeler, manager of the Yazoo County Chamber of Commerce, which is cosponsoring the affair with the Benton School, a sumptuous fried chicken dinner is planned.

There will be no speeches and only a short program. he added. The aim of the appreciation banquets foster good will and better understanding between the townspeople and their customers of the rural areas. Proceeds from the sale of tickets assist in publishing the school yearbook. Mr.

and Mrs. W. P. Stewart visited relatives in Sand Hill Sunday. their parents, the Leo Cooks.

Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Hamberlin and Mrs. Hankins of Louise, visited his parents, the L. V.

Hamberlins Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles White and Cathy of Itta Bena, Mr. and Mrs.

William Hamberlin, Clyde and Martha of Lexington were week end guests of Mrs. C. J. White and mother, Mrs. Hamberlin.

Mrs. J. V. Whitaker of Satartia, Bill, Cristy and Jimmie visited her sister, Mrs. Claude Hamberlin Satpurday afternoon.

Miss Ada Childress and Mrs. Lee Childress of Satartia were visitors in the Phoenix community last Thursday evening. Friends of Mrs. Annie Hilderbrand of Oil City regret to learn she was a patient at the King's Daughters Hospital with a broken arm and wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs.

C. D. Bonney and Cecile Bonney and Mr. and Mrs. J.

V. Whitaker attended the men's club meeting at Mt. Olivet Church, the 17th of April from Wesley Chapel Methodist Church. Regular services were held at Hebron Baptist Church at 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m.

and church schooling and BYPU as scheduled by the pastor, the Rev. Gene Horn and at Hebron Baptist Church by the pastor, the Rev. James Duke. The Rev. and Mrs.

Gene Horne had his sister from Lambert for week visit. Jaycees, Jaycettes Co- Sponsor Week On Mental Health Two local organizations will jointly sponsor observance of Mental Health Week, April 27- May 3. They are the Yazoo County Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Jaycettes, an auxiliary of the Jaycees, along wint the association for Mental Health. Mrs. C.

D. Williams is chairman of the Yazoo County campaign. Theme for Mental Health Week is "With Your Help the Mentally 111 Can Come Back." Mental Health Week, which is proclaimed annually, by Congress and observed nation-wide, is designed to call attention to the importance of promotion of mental health, prevention of mental disorders and handicaps and improved care and treatment of the mentally ill. Simultaneously with its observance of Mental Health Week, the Mississippi Association for Mental Health will open its annual campaign for funds. The campaign will continue through May.

"The association during the summer expects to organize a number of county chapters," according to R. B. Everett of Jackson, president. At the present time there are two county chapters, Hinds and Lauderdale. which are affiliated with the national and the Mississippi Association for Mental Health.

HD Club Meets In Home Of Mrs. Vandevere By BARBARA ERTLE The Home Demonstration Club met April 17 in the home of Mrs. J. S. Vandevere.

Mrs. Lane discussed floor coverings and refinishwood floors; the kinds of coverings to use and the care for all floors. A recreation period was enjoyed and the hostess served refreshments to Mrs. O. C.

Kinnard, Mrs. Phillip Thomas, Mrs. G. C. Thomas, Mrs.

Bessie Ponder, Mrs. J. cream and J. Vandevere. Mrs.

Clai devere, Mrs. Bubber Mrs. Louie Arnold, Mrs. CT. Barrett Mrs.

Thomas Nutt and Mr home of Ertle. urtin, and Mrs. Catherine Rhodes an of Jackson visited in the hon. her sister, Mr. and Mrs.

J.up and Ertle and girls. They returned her their home Sunday afternoon. for a hits. Yazoo City jumped on Morton starter Dick Livingston quickly. David Broadway walked, Bobby Smith and Charles Eldridge doubled to bring in two first inning runs.

In the second frame William Barbour singled, stole second, moved to third on a passed ball and scored on Leonard sacrifice. Morton's ace pitcher took over in the second and haited the Indian attack. He and Warren bat. tled the rest of the way in a scoreless deadlock. Lightcap Infant Dies In Atlanta Funeral services for Joseph David Lightcap, 4-day-old son of Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas M. Lightcap of Atlanta, were held in Atlanta Tuesday. The infant was born Friday morning and passed away at noon Monday in an Atlanta hospital. Survivors other than his parents are two sisters, Martha and Car.

men, and a brother, Thomas M. Lightcap III. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Cook of Atlanta and his paternal grandmother is Mrs.

Car. men Lightcap of Yazoo City. Aslo surviving are the parternal great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T.

M. Lightcap of this city. The mother is the former Carolyn Cook of Atlanta. The family who formerly lived here have the sympathy of their many friends. Charles Garrett Dies; Interment In Glenwood Funeral services were held for Charles Hubert Garrett, April 20 at 3 p.m.

from Stricklin-King Funeral Chapel. Interment was in Glenwood cemetery. The Rev. Harold Shirley and Dr. Webb Brame were the officiating ministers with Stricklin-King Funeral Home in charge of ar.

rangements. Mr. Garrett, who was a mechanic, had been a resident of San Joe, Calif. for the past 20 years. He was born and reared in Mississippi.

A veteran of World War II, he was the son of C. W. Garrett and Dennie Russum Garrett, who survive. Mr. Garrett was 53.

He passed away at his residence at San Joe April 11 at 12:30 a.m. Survivors other than his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.

Garrett of Port Gibson, are a brother, R. W. Garrett of Tehula; three sisters, Mrs. C. F.

Plunkett of Yazoo City, Mrs. Griffin Luckett of Greenwood and Miss Erline Garrett of Port Gibson. Pallbearers were Warren Russum, Davis Graham, James Graham, Norris Stampley, F. Guy ker and C. Henry.

Attending a joint meeting of the VFW Post and Auxiliary Council held in Jackson Sunday, were Mrs. Mary Copeland, Mrs. Laura Holland, Mrs. Salome Shirley and Mrs. Ruby Rose.

The meeting was held in the Rose Room at the Heidelberg Hotel. Mrs. Edmond Johnston returned to her home in Jackson Sunday, after several days visit with her mother, Mrs. Emmett Craig. Visits Mother Mr.

and Mrs. B. E. Martin and daughters, of Clinton, Mrs. George Martin of Satartia and Miss Lucille Ertle of Jackson, visited in the home of their mother, Mrs.

Hattie Ertle, recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. L.

Ponder were visitors of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brand and Tommy in Newton. Mr. and Mrs.

T. F. Ertle and James visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.

D. Warrington and children Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith of Yazoo City visited in the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Phillip Thomas. They also attended church at Melrose. Mrs. J.

W. Ertle and boys Stevie and Johnny, of Jackson, visited in the home of Mrs. Hattie Erle recently. Visit the Ertles Lt. and Mrs.

Charles Ben Ertle Jr. of Lake Charles, and daughter, Debbie visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B.

1A Ertle. Among those attending the senior play at Benton Friday night were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin, Jon Dilly, Jerry, Marion and Barbara Ertle, Emmitt Lewis, Mildred Davis and James Bright. Mr, and Mrs.

Morris Milner and daughters and Jon Dilly Ertle visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ertle Sunday.

A. P. Kelly Jr. arrived home Friday to spend a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

A. P. Kelly at Annadale plantation. His friends will be interested. to learn he has received orders for overseas duty.

After his visit at home, he reports to Fort Dix, N. J. Billy Baird, a student at Marion Military Institute in Marion, spent the past week end at home with his grandmother, Mrs. Harry Hays. Mrs.

Doyle Seward is home after spending the winter season in Clearwater, Fla. Enroute here she spent a few days in New Orleans. There Are MORE JOHN DEERE Power Steering Tractors On Farms Than All Other Makes Combined! Yazoo Tractor Co..

The Yazoo Herald from Yazoo City, Mississippi (2024)


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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.